
Part I: Choosing fan fiction for the class

You will be assigned an Austen text and a group by Tuesday, April 9th.

The group chooses a piece of fan fiction for the whole class to read together. Individual group members should begin by reading around in the large archive of Jane Austen fan fiction. For example, if you’ve been assigned Emma as your text, you should begin by reading as much Emma fan fiction as you can find.

After you read at least 3-4 pieces of fan fiction on your own, you will choose a single piece to share with the group.

Send your fan fiction choice to your group prior to meeting on Thursday, April 25th. At that meeting, your group decides which piece of fan fiction to assign to the class. 

Written work: one member of the group should submit a written description of the group’s efforts, which consists of a bibliography listing all of the fan fiction considered, as well as a short paragraph detailing why a particular piece was selected. You should write the paragraph as a group, using email to exchange drafts. The group’s written work is due by the end of class on Thursday, April 25th. Please send it as a word .doc attached to an email (eberle@uga.edu).

Please assign one piece of fan fiction

Citing fanfiction:  Here is an example of what the bibliography entries should look like:

newredshoes. “Sif and Sensibility.” Archive of Our Own. Organization for Transformative Works. 29 Aug 2011. Web. 28 Mar 2014. <http://archiveofourown.org/works/246793>

Part II: Presentation

The group will lead discussion of their chosen piece of fan fiction on the last day of class.  You may use your group written work as a starting point.

Part II:   Description of Austen Canon Assignment

While I expect that most of you will choose to write fan fiction, I am open to other types of creative and critical projects. Please do clear any other projects or essays with me by Monday, April 9th.

Image above: http://www.londonlovesbusiness.com/lifestyle/giant-pride-and-prejudices-mr-darcy-statue-surfaces-in-hyde-park/5897.article


Kate Beaton, from Hark! a Vagrant: 4 <http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=4>

 Some Fan Fiction websites
(Feel free to browse around to find others)

Austen Underground (fairly comprehensive list of fan fiction sites)


The Derbyshire Writers’ Guild


The Meryton Assembly (requires registration)


Best of Jane Austen Fan Fiction


Best Jane Austen Fan Fiction (traditional publishing)


General Fan Fiction Sites:


An Archive of Our Own
