

Editor’s Introduction:

“This is a fantastic time to be entering the business world because business is going to change more in the next 10 years than it has in the last 50.” – Bill Gates

The world of business is constantly changing. Indeed, change and innovation are two foundations upon which businesses are started, built, and kept alive. The field of business is also vast, comprised of various disparate sub-fields and topics. Keeping track of the changes in just one sub-field requires a vigilant eye. Here, we present to you, the reader, our essays on three sub-fields of our choosing. Heather examines the effect of a recent amendment to the Fair Labor Standard Acts on Higher Education. Crystal provides a compelling report on the effect of social media on public relations. I, Andrew, delve into the recently passed JOBS Act and the regulations it puts in place to protect a new class of investors.

As you can see, all three essays focus on recent developments in the business community. Yet, we don’t claim to cover even a fraction of the important developments of the last ten years. If one of our essays is applicable to your exact business needs, that’s fantastic! But more likely than not, they aren’t. That doesn’t mean, however, that there is nothing to be learned. We hope that you can learn from our reports how to analyze change and its effect on the field of your choice, how to carefully and objectively examine a new social phenomenon, law, or innovation and use it to your advantage. Enjoy!


Andrew Kring

Managing Editor