‘One and Done’ or ‘Three and Done’?

In the third and final debate between the two major party candidates, Hillary Clinton’s email were again discussed, and this exchange did affect who ‘won’ the debate: Hillary Clinton. Secretary Clinton’s goal of the debate was to keep her head high and let Trump implode. She demonstrated the perfect example of the pivot and avoided Trump swaying voters.


While in the second debate she tried to push people toward fact-checking online, she took the liberty to share the facts in the third debate (feel free to watch the condensed version by Saturday Night Live; interested comparison of the two by TIME).

Trump used the emails in the best was possible. Not just adding to the numbers, ‘more emails have been released’, but mentioning what the emails contained without discussing policy. Sec. Clinton, in defending herself, is prone to discuss the details of policy more than some would like. Yet, in this exchange, she pivoted to details of how the information was collected.

Clinton’s emails were discussed for two reasons: 1) it’s the final debate and her emails have been a running theme of this cycle, and 2) new information was released days prior to the debate.


When Trump brought up the open borders subject from Clinton’s recently leaked emails, Sec. Clinton responded by dismissing Trump’s fear tactic (open borders, a flood of immigrants) saying the comment was about energy and then pivoting to the question: why is a Russia and WikiLeaks supporting hacking and distributing private individuals’ information? Although, a totally valid question in this author’s opinion, Trump calls out her pivot making her look like a ‘politician’ (in the worst way possible).

However, this exchange did not influence the polarized edges not the undecided moderates thus leaving the majority in Sec. Clinton’s favor.