Trump’s “Opportunity Model” regarding Terrorism

When Opportunity knocks on your door, you answer it with assertive confidence. Donald Trump is turning his view on Terrorism into an opportunistic view in regards that he is not going to sit back and wait but going to be forceful and take charge of the situation. Hillary and Trump view the terroristic aspect differently in regards that “Hillary views it as a grievance regard, where it occurs because of injustice. While Trump sees it as opportunity in that terrorist see a opportunity to thrive so they attack.”

Donald Trump sets the bar high when it comes to his force to be used to secure America and make our country a safe Nation once again. Although both Candidates are basically attacking the same problem, they are attacking it with different mechanisms. Donald is leaning more toward the alliances of more Middle- East countries and implying a more “Extreme Vetting” that will prevent terroristic threats or groups to get into the country.

Clinton, however, wanted to bring in the refugees of the Syrian/Muslim population, but if that was allowed then it puts us at risk of more terrorist to invade into our country. She is wanting to allow this to happen because the people will feel empathy and want to be behind her to let these “Innocent” people enter out nation but who knows who could really be coming onto our soil.

Our nation needs a firm stand on the situation of terrorism and Donald Trump understands the force that is required to have the people believe he has what it takes.

A Misleading Call to Arab-Americans- Collin Barber

“Muslims must report other Muslims who are engaging in terroristic events.” Said Donald Trump in the second debate. I believe that Donald Trump was going for a more explicit approach to this statement, but he could have worded this one better. America has focused a lot of the terroristic attacks on Arab-Americans but they are not the only ones that are destroying this country. The Arab-American population does make up a decent minority of the population in America and every vote counts, so Donald Trump even though he wants to win over the people of this country, he also needs to remember that he is definitely  going to lose some with that statement.

However, in a later debate he was able to correct himself to an extent and express his thoughts in a more substantial manner and make up for this horrendous remark.

“We need American Muslims to be our eyes and ears on the front line.” stated Hillary Clinton in a debate when asked the same question that was asked to Donald Trump. I feel as Hillary did take a more subtle approach to this question but in reality still ended up committing to the same point that Donald Trump made with his answer. Hillary wanted to win over the American Muslims and the other voters so she tried to word her answer in a way to show a favor to each side but obviously was still against the American Muslims. She included in her speech that, “They are our eyes and ears, they want to be apart of our home security so they need to help us.” Basically she is calling them out saying that all terrorism is caused by them and they have to do a better job of reporting to the authorities about any future terroristic attacks that could take place.

I feel as if both candidates wanted to win over the majority population, but did not show much concern for the Muslims and Islamic. They are using the rhetoric of dismissing the Muslim and putting limits on them but it is taking a tole on the thoughts of the ones affected and as a whole demoralizing the importance of citizens of this country.

A Powerful Stand

In the last of the debates, Donald Trump had invited the mother of an American soldier who was killed over seas as a guest to speak and attend the debate. In my opinion this was an attempt arouse emotions and feelings to enforce a sense of sympathy over the crowd that was their that night. I believe many people are sensitive to a point when it comes to losing a loved one and will be very persuaded by the emotions that it will emerge. I do not think he used Mrs. Smith in the direct sense to degrade Hillary but more in aspect of creating the sympathy felt by the crowd in order to get the audience to feel the hatred that the mother has against the terrorist. Donald Trump has spoken his mind on terrorism, he has stated many times his opinion towards it and I think he wanted to interact more with his audience so he decided to use this strategy to hit people in the “feels” more and get their attention.

Also, during one of the debates and speeches between Hillary and Trump, they both spoke freely on their opinion and view on terrorism. I think Donald Trump wants to send more of a deliberate message to the audience instead of saying whatever is needed to be said to thrive through the debate. Trump is a powerful man, he has acquired this power because of his decisions and ability to make good calls. I think that his ability to handle a plan and execute it is very validated. He may come off as unstable but he is not the one making the call and then it is done, it is to go through a series of people who have the ability to resent it and stop it. He is wanting people to understand that he is who he is because his cognitive ability to make beneficial judgement calls and can tremendously help the nation in the aspect of terrorism.

Both Hillary and Donald are against terrorist who attack this nation and want to defend us. They are both giving persuasive ideas and goals to put an end to it, but Donald Trump has made himself out of good judgement calls and knowledge and I believe he has proven to the people that he has his “plan” to help deal and cope with the terrorist and to reform the nation of America.

The Opinion to openly expressed regarding Terrorism- Collin Barber

Many Americans despise terrorism which is very understandable. Terrorist attacks have skyrocketed over the last couple of years and people are becoming more fearful and paranoid of when it will happen next. But what will put an end to all this violence and bring world peace?

Donald Trump did not hold anything back when proclaiming his opinion in regards to ISIS and Muslims, he as you could say “Threw a hail marry on the first play of the drive.” He wanted the people to understand his thoughts on terrorism but may have “out kicked his coverage” by doing that. By announcing his stand point on such a matter, he has given the ability to others to reference him as “unstable” which could be devastating to this country.

Following the debates, Donald Trump has started to pull back or be more “conservative” about his choice of words and thoughts on the muslim population and ISLAMIC individuals. At one point during his debates and speeches he really demoralized the muslim population by saying ,”Islam hates us”, which he was later asked if he meant the whole population of Islam and he refined his answer to, “I mean a lot of them.”

Through out the debates and speeches he has had to redeem himself when it comes to his rhetoric devices used to exhibit his thoughts on terrorism. His process of explaining his attack of terrorism or ,” Five point plan to defeat terrorism” has turned around because people thought of him as unstable and not able to make good decisions on that kind of stuff but now he accumulated a plan to try to persuade his audience that he can form a plan and stick by it.

Isis Pulling For Trump- So said Clinton

The Rhetoric corresponding to Hillary’s view on terrorism is one that can not be avoided. The United States of America is not a safe place like it once used to be. Various numbers of attacks are taking place throughout the country and terrorism is at an all time high. Who is to blame? Well Trump of course. As Hillary protested that she, “falsely claimed that ISIL had recruiting videos featuring Donald Trump.”  She was at a point where she could not demoralize President Obama and all that he had done but she also could not put aside that the nation was “under attack” and who else but our own Donald Trump was to blame.

Terrorism is an reoccurring violence that will forever haunt and scar this country of ours. The world is crazy and unstable but it needs someone who can step in and secure it and make the nation a safe place again,  not someone who blames the other candidate running for its attacks. Instead, Trump has verified more of a plan of attack or idea to help to manage the attacks of terrorist and ways to slow it down. Thats what should be done not blaming someone else for it. A leader can articulate a adhesive plan in order to step up security in which the people need to feel protected. A plan can stop this reoccurring obstacle not the blame of someone else.

The only way to go about things and be successful in this time is to have an idea or understanding on what needs to be done to figure it out and Donald Trump has a better understanding on it than does Hillary. Trump has calmed the nerves of many people by addressing the attack of terrorism while Hillary is having a more difficult time of reaching the peoples emotions about terrorism.