Let’s Talk About Tax(es) Baby

To some voters, Trump’s biggest appeal is his self-proclaimed success as a businessman. Being a foriegner to the political world, Trump has used his business backround to show experience in being able to run the country like a business.  These ideas have come into sight more recently with the discussion following the first general election presidential debate and the recent leaks of his taxes showing a whopping $915 million claim in operating losses in 1995.

Why the big deal?

During the recent general election debate between the two candidates, Trump claimed he could take advantage of the housing crisis by going in, buying homes and making some money. It is up to interpretation if this “money-making” would benefit himself or those enduring the crisis themselves. This side comment did not bode well with audience members and voters as it portrayed him as a callous businessman that chases money and success, on the backs of those who may be failing.

This sets the narrative for why the recent leak unveiling of his 1995 taxes may serve his reputation as the booming businessman.

Losing millions of dollars is the big deal

To the general public, seeing a loss of $915 million dollars is shocking and upsetting news. What makes this amount so shocking is that it would have allowed Trump to evade paying taxes for up to 18 years. Trump has claimed numerous times that his business savvy would allow him to do this screen-shot-2016-10-04-at-9-48-31-ambecause of his smarts with handling money.  In light of the negative assertions assoicated with this New York Times leak of tax documents, Trump was able to use the news scandal to further back his business tycoon record. He quotes ““I was able to use the tax laws in this country and my business acumen to dig out of the real estate mess,” which only helps enhance his comments during the debate discussion of the housing crisis. He was able to prove that this is a success; prove that he can rebuild both himself and his empire stronger even after such a heavy loss. After all, a common saying in business is to “fail fast”.


Trump Inc.

Donald Trump, our countries’ Republican nominee, has a strong stance on business and economic matters because of his connections to businesses including his own. Born in Queens, New York, and raised into a wealthy family. Trump is a multi-billionaire fortune 500 CEO; but also loses ethos because of his multiple businesses that have failed.


Donald Trump refused to release his tax records from over the years, simply because he did not have much to them besides what he needed to claim. Since 1995 Donald Trump has paid nothing in federal taxes as Hillary Clinton pointed out at a previous debate, which, more or less, istrump-twtr-post true. Once Donald Trump filed a $916 million loss in 1995, he was exempt from paying no more than the legal requirement for up to 18 years. Donald Trump opened casinos and hotels, contracted workers and then just walked out on them, without having to pay them. Was this the wrong way to go? Absolutely. Donald Trump may have placed himself in a hierarchy to those workers and have only been thinking about him, but he knows business.

Donald Trump knows the business world and all the laws and loopholes better than anyone else. Because of this he would be a successful president – he can help us fix these loopholes and the other policies in place that cause our country to continually raise the debt. Donald Trump knows how to stop it. On the issues that Donald Trump may seem less “PC” (politically correct) than most candidates, but the United States has in places the 3 branches of government, full of checks and balances.

Donald Trump could do little to no harm to America than what has already been done. Whmw-eh105_casino_zg_20160303160414at he can do is make America great again the way he has ingeniously done by making himself a multibillionaire.




Not Good at Not Being a Politician

Donald Trump presents himself as an alternative to those whose entire professional lives have been spent inside the political realm. He would argue that current government disfunction is a result of these so called career politicians only working for their own self interest. Trump says that being a successful business man gives him an advantage, but some question if he is even qualified to call himself a good businessman.

On the Backs of the Middle Class

One of the arguments against Trump’s self proclamation that his business record alone qualifies him to lead our country, is that he has purposely used the middle class to get to where he is. Hundreds of small business owners who performed jobs for Trump have claimed that he just did not pay them. Some believe that it was his plan all along to hire these workers, claim unsatisfactory work and then withhold pay. He would then tell the workers [remember – small business owners] that they could either sue him or accept the smaller pay. It’s not hard to figure out which option they were forced to choose.


Another sketchy part of Trump’s business record is the number of times that he has declared bankruptcy for his businesses.  Trump has actually declared bankruptcy six times, and he argues that this is actually a positive thing. Trump would tell you that he is smart for doing so because he used the bankruptcy to get richer (even though he was letting down workers and investors in the process). The legality of this is less of an issue than the morality of this. Some people wonder why someone who continues to harp on their great business record has resorted to shady and ethically questionably behavior multiple times in the past.







Bad Businessman 

The most important argument is that Trump is actually not even a extremely profitable businessman. Obviously Trump inherited a large amount of money, but did he actually do anything with it? Clinton’s people have coined the term “bad business that’s bad for you” because among other things, revenue from Trump’s casinos fell by 1% from 1997-2002, while his competitors experienced an 18% rise during the same time. Basically, a lot of people agree that because of this business failure and others including the aforementioned bankruptcy, Trump is not capable of running our nation.