Hillary Clinton: an Attempt to Shatter Highest Glass Ceiling

There are those who believe Hillary Clinton is unfit for the office of the presidency because they believe she put the United States’ national security at risk by using an insecure email server. There are those who believe Hillary Clinton is unfit for the office of the presidency because they believe she has been bought and paid for by corporate donors and that she does not empathize with the plight of the average citizen. And then there are those who believe Hillary Clinton is unfit for the office of the presidency because she’s a woman.

That’s right, the president of the United States can’t represent our national interests if they have two x chromosomes, get out of here with that nonsense!

As we continue our plunge into the 21st century, there still remains that highest glass ceiling for a woman in America: Holding the office of the presidency of the United States. This glass ceiling, seemingly unbreakable, is held together by the sheer force of modern history and traditional views of gender roles. This is the glass ceiling that Hillary Clinton will attempt to shatter on November 8th.

For full disclosure to the reader, I do not support Hillary Clinton for president and I will not be voting for her. But even as a non-supporter I can appreciate what she is doing in this historic run for the White House. Women were not considered full citizens in the eyes of the U.S. Government as late as 1919. Women have been discouraged from seeking leadership roles for a large chunk of our collective history. Just yesterday, Rudy Giuliani, claimed his candidate for President would be better for America “than a woman”.

Hillary Clinton must confront all of these realities and so much more in her effort to become the first female president in the history of the United States. And while we can debate all day long whether or not her policies would be the best for our nation, the truth is that if Hillary Clinton wins it will be a symbolic victory for women across the country and the world. Finally, someone will have shattered the highest glass ceiling.

2 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton: an Attempt to Shatter Highest Glass Ceiling

  1. I completely agree with what you have said. I do not support Clinton as well, but it is important to see how women are viewed especially in the government. It is good that we have a woman running for president, but with her past history I believe she will not get the support of most Americans. I like how you also added the glass ceiling. This is a major problem in the work force in America. However, it is getting better because everyone is speaking out about it. I think Clinton has cracked the glass ceiling in her part of our government, and I don’t feel like she should go any further and become the president.

  2. I find it interesting that Clinton may not have a voters actual support in terms of their vote but that through the lens of “gender” she does hold the audiences support. Most citizens visualize Clinton as having the better stance when it comes to the issue of gender, not only because she is a long time feminist and symbolically fits this role as the a female candidate, but also because her opposition, Donald Trump, represents the polar opposite approach to the gender issue. To add onto your comment about Rudy Giuliani’s clearly patriarchal comment and overall stance on this election, I wanted to note an interesting point that his daughter, Caroline Giuliani, voiced her support for Clinton just yesterday. According to Politico, “she ‘has been ‘pro-Hillary all along,’ she wrote on her Facebook page”. This is an interesting supplement to your post because it adds to the complexity of the gender argument and to the degree it has created a divide within this election.

    Source: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/caroline-giuliani-hillary-clinton-229258#ixzz4MPjmmZGV

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