Justice Turns the Scale

Weighing Your Options

As they say, people usually experience language in political events, not the events themselves. Trump’s metaphor of China ‘raping’ America is a reminder to us all about former president Bill Clinton’s deal with China and NAFTA. Donald Trump’s use of rhetoric and language is a smart choice in his campaign. By using metaphors to reflect on past events people will remember who lead the creation of one of the worst trade agreements in history. The Clinton administration.


The battle between the untrustworthy and the unstable is thrown off when Trump adds the “unfit” label too Clinton. Trump’s harsh use of metaphors is connecting the Clinton administration with the rape of our country, since it was Bill that made the deal with China on NAFTA regimes. Peter Navarro from National Interest Magazine states, “Hillary’s ultimate problem in the 2016 presidential race may not be Benghazi, Emailgate, Filegate, Monica, Pardongate, Vince Foster, Whitewater, or a broad-based perception that she is a cold, calculating and untrustworthy woman. Instead, it may simply be America’s ill-considered trade deals—and the pivotal role her husband Bill has played in selling American workers down the offshoring road.

Who is heavier? 

Why wouldn’t you  vote for her if she was in office once before? That is a statement the Clinton campaign thrives on – experience. Trump is tearing that statement down as he links the suffering of thousands of Americans to Bill Clinton’s run in office. Because of Bill Clinton’s, “ill-considered WTO deal, the good old USA has had to endure a tsunami of illegally subsidized Chinese exports, the closure of over fifty thousand American factories, the creation of a huge American army of the permanently angry and unemployed, and a crushing debt of several trillion dollars to a communist country.” There is a trend of Clintons in office and bad decisions that negatively effect us.

A con of this scenario in the election is some people will call out Trump as he has zero experience in office, which may hurt his campaign. None the less if Trump continues to hit on the ‘unfit’ label he may gain new supporters. Throwing this balancing scale of bad labels off balance. 26-pictures-of-balance-scales-free-cliparts-that-you-can-download-to-qhqfc7-clipart

One thought on “Justice Turns the Scale

  1. I agree with your post. The scales of this election have definitely been tipped back and forth more than expected. I enjoyed your analogy of Trump’s use of ‘unfit’ label toward Hillary tipping the scales in his direction. Although, she can use the same claim against Trump and his equal ‘unfitness’ for office.

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