Phantom or Ghost?

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is hoping for the best when gaining votes from the middle class for her campaign. Throughout her campaign, Hillary has declared that she has a new tax plan in order to help the middle class. According to her campaign website, it is an eight point tax plan with the first of the eight points reading, “Hillary is proposing middle class tax breaks to help families cope with the rising cost of every day expenses.” Despite her claims to the American people about tax cuts on the middle class, Hillary hasn’t even released any actual plan to lower the taxes on the middle class.

In her eight point plan, there isn’t a single time where Hillary speaks about lowering the income tax. Rather, she preaches on how she is going to raise taxes on the members of the  upper class. While this can be effective in her tax plan, is this method the right method to use to appeal to the best interests of the middle class? Back in March, Hillary told the Tax Policy Center that an income tax cut for low and middle class families was forthcoming. Well, Hillary. We are all still waiting. It is nearly election day for our country and this claim made in March that would have a direct positive effect on the middle class has seemed only to be a hoax. It has disappeared as quickly as it was brought up. Now is this an effective use of rhetoric by Hillary to gain her middle class votes? Absolutely it is. When voters from the middle class see this idea and claim, they immediately hop on the Hillary train, even though they should look a little deeper than the headlines about a proposal that is, “forthcoming.”

One thought on “Phantom or Ghost?

  1. You make some really valid points. I really like your point that she makes a commitment but doesn’t really have a detailed plan on how to back it up. Seems like empty promises.

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