Racial Justice Means Justice For Immigrants, too…

When most people hear “racial justice” they think about the injustices happening to African-Americans (rightfully so due to all of the injustices they are suffering). But… Today we’re going to discuss Secretary Clinton’s stances and rhetoric when it comes to justice for immigrants of all different races.

If there’s one issue that really stands out in my mind as a huge issue that separates the two candidates in this election: it’s immigration. Donald Trump wants his infamous wall while Hillary Clinton wants the US to continue to be a country of opportunity for all people. The American Civil Liberties Union says that immigrants are the latest victims of racial profiling– mostly due to laws put in place by certain states; it’s becoming an obvious issue.

Secretary Clinton hardly ever fails to highlight Mr. Trump’s comments about immigrants and race. She brought up the issue in all of the debates. She is very good at shifting focus from herself to Mr. Trump and his hurtful words (whether you think this is a good thing or bad thing is up to interpretation). She has called him out in very direct ways: being the first person to not beat around the bush and call someone a racist on a televised presidential debate. Who wants to vote for someone who has called people who are in a position they may have been in or their friends or family, criminals, drug dealers, terrorists, and the like?

Secretary Clinton, as a speaker, is very effective in identifying her audience, and delivering the right message. A majority of legal immigrants will be voting for her. She has released ads, made speeches, and gotten amazing surrogates to deliver her message and gain voters.

Immigration reform is a huge issue that could really shape the US and our racial relations depending on which candidate pulls out a victory in November- for better or worse.