The Past Debate on the Law & Order Race

With all the election approaching, both ends of the spectrum are discussing issues new and old about both candidates, and our famous Law & Order candidate is very much a part of that. Trump proclaims himself as the law and order candidate weeks ago, but there are still voters discussing some of the things both Trump and Clinton said in the presidential debate about race on different social media sites like Facebook, twitter, and Instagram.  He described black people as “living in hell” because of gun violence, presenting “law and order” as a remedy. You might ask what does this law and order remedy have in it? This remedy includes “Trump again put forth stop-and-frisk — the former New York City police practice of stopping pedestrians and searching them for weapons — as a policy solution. In recent weeks, the Republican nominee has suggested the practice could be used in cities, like Chicago, to reduce crime.

untitledThis is one a few different remedies Trump has  on the issues of race in America . This remedy has been called into question a  few times and Trump has had different reactions when this happened. “A federal district judge in New York ruled the policy was unconstitutional; in general, the policy was found to have disproportionately affected black and Latino people. Lester Holt, in a rare push back on Trump, said a judge had ruled the tactic unconstitutional; Trump awkwardly called the judge, “a very against police” judge .And once the subject of the judge arose, Trump shifted his tone, framing himself as the candidate who has more support from police, touting his endorsement from the Fraternal Order of Police. The police groups, he said, “are on my side.”

Even after the stop frisk issue, Trump’s rhetoric on race and law order took another turn when he discussed he beliefs on the black community.  With his rhetoric he has said plenty of things, but continues to make sure voters know  “what the hell do you have to lose”.  “Look, the African-American community has been let down by our politicians. They talk good around election time, like right now, and after the election, they said, see ya later, I’ll see you in four years,” said Trump. This is only a glimpse of some of the Trump Quotes on Law and Order that people are still talking about, and sharing their opinions on Trumps beliefs toward the black community.

One thought on “The Past Debate on the Law & Order Race

  1. Trump’s decision to put in order the “stop and frisk” remedy will most likely encourage more racist attitudes, especially among policemen. Unfortunately, African American males would most likely be the targets of the stop and frisk remedy, creating more strained relationships between the police and African Americans. Most likely, many African Americans will foresee this and dislike Trump’s idea. This will create more tension between Trump and the African American voters he needs.

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