Trump’s Balance Game

trump-and-policePresidential candidates tend to take a political stance or position in order to obtain more support from constituents than the opposition party. Law and order has been a topic that has been used by candidates to target minority populations. Presidential candidate, Donald Trump, has been forced into a balancing position regarding his stance on law and order. One of Trump’s largest endorsers is the police union. Therefore, when Trump has to address situations of violence, especially in regards to the recent shootings of African Americans, Trump has to be careful. If he pushes too far to one side, he risks stepping on toes of endorsers or voters. Unfortunately, one of Trump’s qualities is not delicacy. Trump tends to speak what is on his mind, and he has had a hard time obtaining the African American votes he needs, while supporting the police.

African American voters are looking for a candidate who will support them and the injustice they have dealt with. Trump cannot claim that he will support them fully if he is also supporting the police union. White, middle aged republican men want Trump to support the police department. African American voters that Trump needs, want Trump’s support of their endeavor for justice. Trump is stuck in the middle of two conflicting stances, and is being forced to carefully balance his position between the two sides. Therefore, Trumps speech in Milwaukee to an all white crowd where he claimed to restore law and order was a good effort on Trump’s part to keep his support from Republican voters. Unfortunately, those are not the votes Trump should be focusing on. Trump needs to use his language and rhetoric to take a stance that pleases both his endorsers and gains him votes from minority populations.

One thought on “Trump’s Balance Game

  1. Trump is walking a tight rope between the police vote and the black vote. It is a tough task to take his rhetoric to a place that makes both sides happy. Do you believe that trump has enough time with only a few days until the election to sway the black vote or should he buckle down with the base he has secured?

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