
One of the big issues facing Hillary with these new leaks really could be potentially straining her own internal relations with the Democratic Party as a whole. In an article published by RT, emails from columnist Brent Budowsky sent to campaign chair John Podesta in September of last year call out the Clinton campaign’s surrogate attacks on Bernie Sanders. While using the surrogates would allow her to push some of the repercussions off of herself, this revalation, as he puts it is “stupid and self-destructive” in its strategy when she has “dangerously low levels of public trust,” and Sanders being based on “cleaning up politics.”


People wrote a piece outlining the five biggest things to come from this leak. If you want to read about all of them, follow the link, but I’ll discuss some of them here. The first they wrote about, and one that really stands out is that they show an apparently close friendship between her and Wall Street executives. This goes against a lot of what she has said that she really stands for and hurts a lot of her legitimacy on quite a few of her claims. Its really harmful in that it basically puts her on the same level of Wall Street underground politics that people that oppose Trump believe he is a part of. At least she’s consistent on one fact though, and that’s that politicians should have “both public and private positions.” How do you trust someone that’s saying one thing and believing the polar opposite?


Another tidbit this article gives us is that she received advanced notice of a Town Hall debate question back in March, which is a huge advantage for a situation like that where its supposed to be devised of questions by the people to put candidates on the spot, not prepare for.

One thought on “WikiYikes

  1. I agree that a lot of the information released in the leaks really hurt her credibility. I am surprised that this hasn’t caused more issues because seeming credible to voters is very important and an area that Hillary has been lacking on since the beginning. However, I guess with all the other big issues that Trump is facing that more people are focused the allegations against him.

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