REVISED MARCH 18th: Work turned in so far includes 1 Semester Exam (15%) and 1 Short Essay (20%), leaving another 65% of the grade to be determined

Assignments in lieu of the Timed Exams  / 35%
8 writing prompts worth 10 points a piece

You will be asked to respond to short writing prompts prior to each class meeting so that I can efficiently respond to questions or misconceptions during our Zoom class meetings.  When appropriate, I’ll be adding required external sources to assist you in your independent study. Late assignments will lose 1 point per day that they are late, and each set of writing prompts is worth 10 points. 

You can find the appropriate folder in our eLC site: Tools > Assignments > ie. March 31st, Writing Prompts, etc.

    • For each class period, you will receive 2-3 writing prompts, you must respond to each prompt with one good paragraph. Each paragraph needs to be more than 2-3 sentences but shouldn’t be more than 8 or so. Your responses should be well written and carefully proofread.
    • You should also properly cite textual evidence, which is required in order to receive full credit.
    • I’ll be using this holistic grade rubric, as I do for all of your assignments. Each set of writing prompts is worth 10 points:  A (10-9), B (8), C (7), D (6).
    • When we meet as a class, I might ask you to share your response with the class via screen sharing, so make sure that they are available to you during our meeting time.
    • In form they are pretty much exactly like the writing prompts you have been responding to all semester, but unlike in-class writing assignments, I will expect these responses to be well written and carefully proofread. 

I’ll read your responses prior to our class meetings so as to efficiently respond to questions or misconceptions. In addition to the readings from our anthology, I’ll be adding external sources to assist you in your studies.

OPTION 1: Your first essay counts for 40% of your grade. This choice makes sense if you were happy with the grade you received on your first essay, and/or you are feeling overwhelmed with our shift to online learning. 

Sample “A” Essay, English 2320, Spring 2020

Revisions to the first essay are due Tuesday, April 28th.  Please send this to me ( or as a digital file (i.e. .doc, .docx, or google drive file)

OPTION 2: Short Essay (5-7 pages) / 20%/ Due Monday, May 4th at 9:00pm

Essay Two Writing Prompts

Please send this to me ( or as a digital file (i.e. .doc, .docx, or google drive file)

Writing Resources: You are expected to read and follow these guidelines.

Writing Guidelines for 2320, Spring 2020


Grading Rubric for 2320

Class Participation, In-class writing, and attendance / 10%