What was Jane Austen’s World like? 

Assignment: Engage in a multi-phased research project on some aspect of Austen’s culture.

Step 1: You are assigned a topic. We will do this the first day of classList of Topics and Dates.

Step 2: Initial research materials are due at least one class period before your presentation, and can be in DRAFT form.

  • No more than 3-5 pages of your findings, with a bibliography indicating where you found your information.
  • You will find a great deal of information by simply doing google searches, since Austenmania is quite rampant on the internet. For the most part, however, google searching will just be the beginning of your search.
  • I’ll expect you to use at least one academic source (i.e. books published by an academic press, articles published by scholars, etc.). Please do feel free to ask me about a source’s usefulness if you have any questions. 
  • At least one of your sources most be a physical library book. Accompany the bibliographic reference to a physical library book with a photo of the shelf where you found it.
  • A very strong project will have around 5-6 varied sources from literary scholarship, historical scholarship, popular culture, and the internet. publishing.  
    • Don’t forget that the presentation is multi-media; you must have images incorporated into your presentation.
    • At least one section of your presentation should be dedicated to connecting your topic to the novels of Jane Austen.
    • Does your topic have a presence in popular culture? How is that topic represented?
  • Submit your material electronically (i.e. Google Docs or by email). Must be in Times Roman, 12 font if a .doc but can be in the form of paragraphs, detailed notes, or outline. You may choose to begin drafting your multimedia presentation as well (i.e. in Powerpoint, Prezi, Keynote, or another presentation software). Please turn in both your research notes and your draft presentation.

Step 3: In-Class Presentation (rolling through the semester): Once I collect all of the research project write-ups, you’ll be assigned a day to present

  • a 5-7 minute “flash” presentation your findings to the class. (And I will have a timer).
  • You should do so in a way that brings multi-media affordances into class. You’ll have access to the classroom computer and projector.
  • You may not go beyond 5-7 minutes in your classroom presentation but I encourage you to bring insights about your topic into classroom discussions throughout the semester. 
  • An example: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hZYIEIIIfFvkl_sCSCt1tkc5NUY3gsGz/view

Step 4:  For the final step of this project, you’ll turn in a revised version of your first draft, your notes for the presentation itself, and a copy of your digital presentation for posting on this website. The presentation should be in a digital form. DUE within two days of your presentation.

Where to begin:

Broadview Online: Jane Austen in Context

The supplementary material in all of our Broadview editions

Homepage of the UGA Libraries

Google Search Engine: for example, here is what I found for “Jane Austen and Jewelry

The Post-Austen page on this website

The Dread Wikipedia: I confess that sometimes this is a helpful site BUT it should never be the only place to look. It can be a very useful place to start but you want to make sure that the information is accurate. The citations on a wikipedia page are often the most helpful.

When grading this, I’ll be looking for enthusiastic research energy, so while I’ve not “required” too many sources, you’ll surely want to look at far more sources than the minimum of 5 that you are required to cite in your project. 

Topics and Presentation Dates for Jane Austen’s World