You are expected to buy the editions listed below. You’ll see that they have been packaged together along with a code for an online resource that we will be using throughout the semester. You cannot use other editions of the text because we will be reading supplementary material only available in these editions, and not otherwise easily available. It is possible to buy most, if not all, of the texts used, but if you do so, please make sure that you are using the correct ISBN number. Not all Jane Austen editions are the same.

Jo Baker, Longbourn (Random House, ISBN 978-034-580697-0)

The rest of the books, all by Jane Austen, are being bundled by Broadview with an access code for “Austen Online.” You will need to have your books purchased by the second class day, Tuesday, January 19th.

Package 1: 978-1-4881-1141-9, $39.95 (Mansfield Park, Persuasion, Sense and Sensibility, and a card with an access code to Austen Online). Use this link to buy directly from Broadview.

Package 2: 978-1-4881-1247-8, $39.95 (Emma, Northanger Abbey, Pride and Prejudice, and Manuscript Works). Use this link to buy directly from Broadview.