You will need to bring at least one large blue/green book with you to the exam. You may also bring a 4X6 card into the exam, which will be stapled to your exam book.

Jane Austen’s table and chair

Rules for the 4X6 Card

You may have a thesis statement on the card and an outline. The outline may include quoted phrases from the texts supporting your argument.

You may not have term definitions on the card. If you do so, you will be graded a full letter grade down.


Part I. You will be asked to identify 4 out of 7 terms, characters, places, and/or objects of importance in the works read so far this semester. A complete answer (of four or so sentences; or one short paragraph) completely identifies the subject and connects that subject to the work where it appears and/or to other works read in our class this semester(12.5 points each; 50 points)

Vocabulary (in addition to characters, places, and objects of importance): focalization, free indirect discourse, direct discourse, indirect discourse, palimpsest, adaptation, transmedia storytelling, epistemophilia, story vs. discourse, and fanfiction vocabulary posted on the website (Tuesday, October 17th)

Part II: You will be asked to write one long essay that focuses on Emma. You may come into class prepared to write on one of the following topics. (50 points)

As you can see, these are very broad essay prompts, so you’ll want to come into class with a thesis and supporting evidence. You will not have access to your texts and so I will not expect direct quotes. In each case, you’ll want to focus on Emma, although you may feel free to draw connections between Emma and other work read this semester.


Female Friendship

Imagination vs. Duty

Narrative Technique and its Effects