Zeugma: “in Greek means ‘yoking’; in the common present usage, it is applied to expressions in which a single word stands in the same grammatical relation to two or more other words, but with an obvious shift in its significance. Sometimes the word is literal in one relation and metaphorical in the other” (Glossary of Literary Terms; see also Broadview Pocket Glossary)

“And now a bubble burst, and now a world” (Pope, Essay on Man 90)

Parallelism: “A rhetorical device used in written and oral compositions since ancient times to accentuate or emphasize words or images by using grammatically similar constructions. Words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and even larger structural units may be consciously organized into parallel constructions, thereby creating a sense of balance that can be meaningful and revealing . . . [it] invite[s] readers or audiences to compare and contrast the parallel elements.” (The Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms 266; see also Broadview Pocket Glossary)

“Whatever is, is right” (Pope, Essay on Man 294)

Chiasmus: “(derived from the Greek term for the letter X, or for a crossover) is a sequence of two phrases or clauses which are parallel in syntax, but which reverses the order of the corresponding words” (Glossary of Literary Terms; see also Broadview Pocket Glossary)

“His time a moment, and a point his space.” (Pope, Essay on Man 72)

Anaphora: “the deliberate repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of each one of a sequence of sentences, paragraphs, lines of verse, or stanzas” (Glossary of Literary Terms; see also Broadview Pocket Glossary)

All Nature is but art unknown to thee;

All chance, cirection which thou canst see;

All discord, harmony not understood; All partial evil, universal good: (Pope, Essay on Man 289-292)