Greystone Falls


Greystone Summit Plan


When I was 15 years old, my mother and I lived in a brand new apartment complex. Our building was situated in the back of the complex and neighbored a lot being prepared for development. It had been cleared and sand was practically all that was left; however people from the apartments visited often because it was the only open space around. Most of the time, humans and their dogs were the only life there. During the summer, the lack of trees or any plants at all made the heat even worse. Despite its wasteland appearance, neighbors met and enjoyed the outdoors there.

When it rained, the whole area turned to mush. The water ran down towards the apartments which left the newly laid grass drowning in two inches of water. I’ll never forget one day like this. I put on my boots and trudged into the soaked grass. As I crossed the threshold from apartment to lot, a herd of deer galloped right in front of me.  As I watched in awe, it occurred to me that they must be heading toward the undisturbed forest nearby. I began to wonder if this lot was once one they could eat and sleep in. I wondered what the land where my apartment now stood was before it was cleared and developed.

Six years later, I don’t even recognize the place. It’s been paved with perfect houses on each side, but I can’t help but wonder whatever happened to the deer.