
Anna Kadet is a second-year student from Tampa, Florida. She attends the University of Georgia’s Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication as a journalism major. She also is working toward a dual degree in psychology and minors in Spanish and English with the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences.

During her first semester with Grady College, Anna worked in Reporting I on the sustainability beat. She interviewed student leaders of sustainability-focused clubs as well as administrations of nonprofit organizations in order to craft stories on their impact on the Athens community and the environment. In high school, she served as her yearbook’s Photo Editor-in-Chief, which provided her with opportunities to gain invaluable photography, editing, and writing experience along with the inspiration to continue journalistic passion into her future.

Anna intends to be a reporter and photojournalist that works on a wide variety of beats. Her interests include environmental advocacy, music, culture, and politics. She plans to use her abilities to amplify the voices of those who struggle to be heard and highlight the significance of conserving the finite resource that is our unique planet. Imbued with a vast love of words from a young age, Anna strives to encapsulate the power of storytelling in all of her work.


My Student Journalist Journey