By Jack Little
The University of Georgia Student Government Association (SGA) will announce results of its 2024 general election at 5 p.m. on Wednesday at Tate Plaza. Voting runs Monday at 8 a.m. through Wednesday at noon. Every student can choose between three executive tickets consisting of a candidate for president, vice president and treasurer. They can also vote for at-large senators, campus life senators and college-specific senators.
SGA’s goal is to get at least 10% of the student body, or around 4,000 students to vote, said SGA Attorney General and Chair of the Elections Committee Caitlyn Miller. She expects that number to be around 5,000-6,000 due to the competition this year.
The Provide Ticket, which features Alva Rock Rodgers III for president, Stephen Amolegbe Jr. for vice president and Lauren Baker for treasurer, will attempt to establish SGA as an organization that provides for the individual needs of students. They will focus on extending the drop-add period, implementing free parking during finals week and adding transportation to and from Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport during holiday breaks.
The Empower Ticket, which consists of Rayna J. Carter for president, Ailey Gustafson for vice president and William Redding for treasurer, will strive to utilize student feedback to empower student voices on campus by creating a website to centralize academic, financial and well-being resources, increasing SGA outreach and hosting small business fairs to connect students, faculty and staff to the Athens-Clarke County community.
The Action Ticket, which includes Miles Thornton for president, Milly Chung for vice president and Terrell Foster for treasurer, wants to showcase the power of student voices in their respective communities. They plan to do this by improving the transportation accessibility and parking availability on campus, offering healthier food options and offering more on-campus housing.A ticket must exceed 50% of the vote to win. If no ticket reaches 50% of the vote, there will be a run-off voting period from Thursday at 8 a.m. and through Friday at noon.
Why I wrote this story:
I wrote this story to gain experience in covering live events. I learned how to cover an event live on social media, how to write a follow-up story on an event I covered, how to research for event coverage and how to write a preview story for an event. I plan to continue using these skills in the future as I cover more events.
Social media post embeds/links
Social media post embeds/links
Jack Little on Twitter: “I will be covering the University of Georgia Student Government Association (@ugasga) 2024 general election results announcement on Wednesday, Feb. 21 at 5 p.m. at Tate Plaza.Students can vote now via the link on the @ugasga website. / Twitter”
I will be covering the University of Georgia Student Government Association (@ugasga) 2024 general election results announcement on Wednesday, Feb. 21 at 5 p.m. at Tate Plaza.Students can vote now via the link on the @ugasga website.
Jack Little on Twitter: “SGA Attorney General Caitlyn Miller is preparing to announce results for the 2024 SGA general election. pic.twitter.com/c1bb1r7QQd / Twitter”
SGA Attorney General Caitlyn Miller is preparing to announce results for the 2024 SGA general election. pic.twitter.com/c1bb1r7QQd
Jack Little on Twitter: “Ella Colker, Kira Fleischer, Kaitlyn Hood, Amanda Neighbour, Abby Glenn, Luke Snow, Lily Kreindler, Jason Hollenberg, Sarah Waymon and Truett Thompson win at-large SGA senate seats. / Twitter”
Ella Colker, Kira Fleischer, Kaitlyn Hood, Amanda Neighbour, Abby Glenn, Luke Snow, Lily Kreindler, Jason Hollenberg, Sarah Waymon and Truett Thompson win at-large SGA senate seats.
Jack Little on Twitter: “No candidate achieved a simple majority for the campus life for community involvement seat. Mason Okumura and Jordan Wright advance to a run-off election. The election will begin Thursday, Feb. 22 at 8 a.m. and run until Friday, Feb. 23 at noon. / Twitter”
No candidate achieved a simple majority for the campus life for community involvement seat. Mason Okumura and Jordan Wright advance to a run-off election. The election will begin Thursday, Feb. 22 at 8 a.m. and run until Friday, Feb. 23 at noon.
Jack Little on Twitter: “Miller is now moving on to announce senate seat winners within individual schools and colleges. / Twitter”
Miller is now moving on to announce senate seat winners within individual schools and colleges.
Jack Little on Twitter: “Ryan Tomczyk and Lauren Young win senate seats for the College of Engineering. @UGAEngineering / Twitter”
Ryan Tomczyk and Lauren Young win senate seats for the College of Engineering. @UGAEngineering
Jack Little on Twitter: “Miranda Farnan wins one of the two available senate seats for @UGAGrady. The other seat is vacant but will be open for appointment later this year. #SGAElection / Twitter”
Miranda Farnan wins one of the two available senate seats for @UGAGrady. The other seat is vacant but will be open for appointment later this year. #SGAElection
Jack Little on Twitter: “Miller is preparing to announce the winning executive ticket. @ugasga #SGAElection / Twitter”
Miller is preparing to announce the winning executive ticket. @ugasga #SGAElection
Jack Little on Twitter: “”This year, the ticket received 4,226 votes and 76% of the total vote and therefore elected as the executive officers and the 37th SGA administration is the Provide Ticket,” said Miller / Twitter”
“This year, the ticket received 4,226 votes and 76% of the total vote and therefore elected as the executive officers and the 37th SGA administration is the Provide Ticket,” said Miller
Jack Little on Twitter: “(From left to right) Lauren Baker (treasurer), Stephen Amolegbe Jr. (vice president) and Alva Rock Rodgers III (president) celebrate their ticket’s victory in the 2024 @ugasga general election. #Provide #SGAElection pic.twitter.com/GGA5vTSwmH / Twitter”
(From left to right) Lauren Baker (treasurer), Stephen Amolegbe Jr. (vice president) and Alva Rock Rodgers III (president) celebrate their ticket’s victory in the 2024 @ugasga general election. #Provide #SGAElection pic.twitter.com/GGA5vTSwmH
Jack Little on Twitter: “Provide Ticket supporters celebrate the Provide victory. pic.twitter.com/Gcf7yWohU0 / Twitter”
Provide Ticket supporters celebrate the Provide victory. pic.twitter.com/Gcf7yWohU0
Jack Little on Twitter: “”It’s pretty indescribable,” said Rodgers. “I know we worked so hard to get here, did the right moves to get here, but to actually be here. My heart is still beating. I feel like I’m going to throw up, not because I’m nervous, just because it’s unreal.” / Twitter”
“It’s pretty indescribable,” said Rodgers. “I know we worked so hard to get here, did the right moves to get here, but to actually be here. My heart is still beating. I feel like I’m going to throw up, not because I’m nervous, just because it’s unreal.”