Athens-Clarke County and Mayor Kelly Girtz are relying on the people of Athens to determine the next 20 years of its infrastructure and growth in preparation for a roughly 30,000-person population boom, but they may be missing out on feedback from one major Athens demographic: college students.
Athens-Clarke County Mayor Kelly Girtz addressed Athens-Clarke County’s Future Land Use Plan, which details the ACC government plans for development over the next 20 years, in a press conference on Friday morning at the University of Georgia. The plan addresses where development will occur, as well as solutions for more affordable housing in Athens with population growth.
Girtz has been actively involving the public over the past few months with a series of presentations and public input sessions as opportunities for locals to provide feedback and suggestions. In those meetings, Girtz said that the public values Athens’ tree canopy, access to green space and rural preservation, as well as having a variety of modes of transportation and a mixed-use environment where people can walk to stores, restaurants and other businesses.
None of the community suggestions listed by Girtz referenced concerns from students at the University of Georgia, a demographic that makes up over 30% of Athens’ population. When asked how he was incorporating student feedback into the Future Land Use Plan, Girtz said that students were encouraged to show up at the public input sessions to give input, but did not mention any way that he was specifically incorporating students.
Zach Barberio, a third-year sports management student at UGA who rents a house off of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway, never heard about the public input session, but said that he wishes he had more college neighbors. The development of college-specific housing is an issue that would fall under the purview of the Future Land Use Plan.
Girtz did, however, address some concerns regarding UGA’s growth when prompted by reporters.
“If UGA is going to add another 10,000 students over the next 20 years, we want to make sure that there are places not only for the students, but for everybody else to live, as well,” said Girtz. “So does that come with challenges? Absolutely. But do we believe we can build accommodations around that? Also yes.”
If UGA students have other concerns they would like the ACC government to be aware of, they may contact the government at 706-613-3795 or at Students may also complete a Future Land Use Plan survey on
Mayor Kelly Girtz explained Athens-Clarke County’s Future Land Use Plan in a press conference at the University of Georgia’s Instructional Plaza South Auditorium on Friday, April 19. The plan will address Athens-Clarke County’s development over the next 20 years. (Photo/Jack Little)
Why I wrote this story:
I wrote this story to gain skills in press conference coverage and preparation. I learned how to properly research for a story, how to develop a storyline from a press conference, how to ask a question in a press conference that garners a good response and how to take a picture properly during a press conference. I plan to use the skills that I acquired in future coverage of press conferences and other live events.