
“I would like to be known as an intelligent woman, a courageous woman, a loving woman, a woman who teaches by being.”

– Maya Angelou
B.s, Early Childhood Education (2013 – 2017)

I wanted to teach to change the world (anyone sensing a theme here?) – Everyone has been taught something by someone and I find that extremely powerful. Specifically within the confines of early childhood, I was trained to be empathetic and aware of the impacts associated with teaching diverse audiences. While I chose not to pursue a career in this field, it stands as one of the best leadership decisions I could have ever made. Because of my experiences and education in this degree I’m a better, more inclusive, and well-rounded leader in whatever role I end up in.

mba, Certificate in Sustainability (2020 – 2022)

In the early days of my pursuit of an MBA, I thought marketing was my path to using business for good. It has a unique ability to connect people, opening a large opportunity for impact. As I grew within the program, I leaned into the social innovation focus – through my experiences I started hearing words like “B Corp”, “CSR”, “ESG”, and “Sustainability”. I learned what it meant to value the triple bottom line and started investigating companies using their positions as influential organizations for good. And through it all, I realized there are more people who see the opportunity and responsibility that lies within valuing our people and planet, alongside profits. Finding my community within Terry and the field of business as a whole completely ignited my passion for building a more sustainable world. The support and kindness I’ve received has empowered me to aspire for greatness in all I do – using my privilege to stand up and act as a voice of empathy and activism while I build my career to use business as a force for good.