Los Faroles

On September 14, the night before Costa Rica’s Independence Day, torches and lanterns are carried throughout the country to symbolize spreading the announcement of freedom when it was gained in 1821. To this day, people start lighting torches

Three of our students with their faroles. From left to right: Hannah Moore, Rachel Hall, Joy Choi

from Nicaragua and walk to light other people’s torches throughout the entire country. People make their own lanterns

Farole made by Alden Murphy

and torches so that they can participate, using either small electric lights or candles (electric lights for children). Our group got the chance to make our own lanterns to walk with children in a nearby school. We used paper, glue, glitter, and anything else we could get our hands on.


Once we arrived at the school, we watched the children go through some dances before we were included in one of the dances. No one was expecting to be pulled in, but everyone had a smile by the end.

Since it was raining, we could not walk with our faroles outside so we turned out the lights in the gym. The school’s students led the way with their faroles before our group followed. It was an unforgettable experience in Costa Rican culture.


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