Peter O’Mahoney, The Southern Killer

Content Warning

Subjects of rape, murder, and gangs

Plot Summary

Peter O’Mahoney’s unstoppable criminal defense attorney, Joe Hennessy, is back to fight against the criminal justice system in a corrupted battle of cops and gangs. Hennessy returns to Charleston, South Carolina for more intense courtroom action. He unexpectedly runs across information on the unsolved murder of his son. Desperate to receive this information, Hennessy is demanded to take on Alicia Fenton’s murder trial case, in which she claims self-defense for the execution of her sexually and physically abusive stepfather. In a final venture to reveal his son’s killer after 20 years of restless grief, Hennessy attempts everything he can to prove 18-year-old Alicia Fenton’s innocence through self-defense. Will Hennessy live up to the task? Or will he fail his son once again? Continue reading “Peter O’Mahoney, The Southern Killer”