To add a page:

1. Hover over Pages on the left navigation or click +New on the admin bar.

2. Click Add New or Page. The Add New Page page will appear. Enter a title for the page, and content in the content area.

Screenshot highlighting the new page screen

Page Details

3. Under the Content Area, you can turn comments off for the page – uncheck “Allow comments” in the Discussion area. By default, the comments for all pages and posts are turned on.

4. You can choose to make your page a sub-page of another existing page, under Page Attributes. Click on the drop down to choose the parent page.

5. You can also edit the layout of your page. The default is two columns with a right sidebar, but you can also choose one column, two columns with a left sidebar, or three columns.

Screenshot showing Discussion and Page Layout

Publishing your page

6. To publish your post, click the “Publish” button. You have several options in the Publish area:

      • Save a draft, or preview your post
      • Change the post status to Draft, or Pending Review
      • Change the post visibility: Public, Password Protected, Private
      • Publish immediately, or set a date to publish the post

Screenshot of the Publish area