Barack’s kind of a weird surrogate…?

If you haven’t noticed, Barack Obama really wants Hillary Clinton to be president. He’s scheduled to appear this week at three major states Hillary needs to put the race away for good: Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina. Obama’s heavy campaigning is unprecedented for a sitting president, and earlier this week he announced around 150 down-the-ticket endorsements.

So why is President Obama so eager to assume a lame duck role? Well, I have three theories: Obama, the golfer, has his eyes set on a currently weak GPA tour, after 8 years of republicans who obstruct justice and abdicate their duties he wants to get far far away, or he desperately wants to hand down his legacy to a candidate who is ready to build on top of it.


Honestly, as much as I’d love to believe in Barack’s 7-iron, he’s probably concerned about how historians will judge him post-presidency. And if a candidate like Trump who has promised to repeal Obamacare, shoot down every executive order Obama made, and took about 6 years to call him a U.S. citizen—gets elected, he understands his presidency will be forever tainted and undermined by the damage a Trump presidency is capable of.

What I’m trying to say is that Obama doesn’t care about getting Hillary, Bernie, Joe, or a liberal-arts graduate who lives in Mom’s basement elected—he just doesn’t want to get a republican elected. Obama’s campaign rhetoric has been noteworthy this election cycle. “All that progress goes out the window if we don’t make the right choice just four weeks from today,” Obama said at an Oct. 11 appearance in Greensboro, N.C. Statements like this have been common from Obama this past month.

Now, Barack Obama is probably the best politician in the world right now. He understands that if not for a constitutional amendment he would have whipped any candidate the republicans threw at him. So Obama’s campaign strategy this cycle isn’t about Hillary Clinton—it’s about Barack Obama. He’s telling people that this is just as much about him than it is about Trump or Clinton. Obama’s even using some incumbent strategies. He has entrenched the U.S. into an international struggle with the undergoing Battle of Mosul. And he’s used his high-profile on platforms like snapchat, Instagram, and late-night shows to spread the word. He’s pretty much running for a third-term.