Clinton Behind Bars?

hu8kanuPresidential Candidate, Donald Trump, made a very controversial comment during the second presidential debate on Sunday, October 8th.  After Hilary Clinton stated that it was a good thing Trump is not in charge of the law. Trump’s response was, “Because you’d be in jail.” He said he would “instruct his attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton’s use of private email server while she was secretary of state.” This shocking response weakens Trump’s chance of winning in two different ways. One, it gives another reason why middle aged women will not vote for him and two, if Trump is elected president, it questions if he will abuse his power.

Do we really want a president who will waste time on something that will not even matter after the election? Trump is said to have too big of an ego and because of this, it does not make him a good fit to be president. His comment only makes this argument stronger. After countless of investigations before and during the election and finding Clinton not guilty, what would be the point of Trump digging even more if he were elected? Jus to prove that he was right? The president has better things to attend to like, running the country, instead of looking into pasts that are irrelevant now. This comment only solidifies voters who are anti-Trump because of his ego and persuades undecided voters that he is not fit for the job because he is unstable and quick to make an irrational decision. Trump is just beating a dead horse with the emails and is not doing a very good job proving that Hilary is untruthful in other areas but he is doing a very good job in proving that he is unstable. The running is not looking good for good ole Donald Trump.


One thought on “Clinton Behind Bars?

  1. You bring up a very interesting point in how Trump’s words and actions in the second presidential debate may further alienate women. I was shocked and surprised to see him make this statement but because Trump is so unpredictable it might have a different effect than most typical situations. We shall see what surprise he brings this week!

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