Clinton’s Track Record


One of Hillary Clinton’s main goals during her campaign is to make sure she appeals to the voters, specifically the middle class. Most commonly, she does this by making a commitment not to raise taxes. But with her track record of lying about many of her policies, many voters doubt her sincerity and truthfulness. It starts with Clinton’s definition of what middle class is. The middle class, defined by Clinton, “extends to those earning up to $250,000 a year”. But many of her plans she has proposed would seem to immediately affect those in the middle class. For example, college tuition. Clinton’s plan for college is to make it free and accessible for everyone. She states, “By 2021, families with income up to $125,000 a year will pay no tuition at in-state four-year public colleges and universities.” College would not really be free because it seems like the cost would be put on those who make more than $125,000 a year. And those would be people of the middle class and upper class. The tuition may be free but the cost would not be.

Clinton trying to appeal to voters seems to be going a little off track because she is being caught in many lies about her policies that are supposed to be specifically for the middle class. She is bringing down her own ethos by undermining her credibility as a candidate, which could potentially cost her some votes. And it seems to be an ineffective route to get into the oval office.

One thought on “Clinton’s Track Record

  1. Very interesting write up. I liked how you incorporated the college tuition example, not many people have thought about that when they think about Hillary. I also liked and strongly agree with how you said she is bringing down her ethos and in return she could lose some votes.

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