Dividing Equality

In this Presidential election, Hillary Clinton has been a major advocate of social change and racial justice. As you listen to her speeches, read about events she has attended, and scan through her policy points on her website, you notice a focus of attention on racial justice.

In many peoples minds this issue is non-existent and nothing other than just an idea for attention. On the other hand, a large proportion of United States citizens see this as a terrifying reality of the corruption and fault in our justice system and society.

As the saying goes, “the powerful write the history books”, and that is exactly what she is trying to do. Through her use of public acknowledgement, she is helping to rhetorically frame the concept of racial injustice in the United States. This framing is a powerful tactic used by many politicians. This topic is a key concept in swaying many young voters. The topic of racial injustice is something that is an increasingly more common conversational piece amongst said group. She uses this political prowess and recognition that she has gained, to give light and validity to this topic. She reaches her audience by replicating statements of division from the past, and concepts that pull from speeches of the civil rights era. In doing this, she basically confirms that there truly is a monster under our bed and it’s name is racial injustice. The voters who already believed in racial injustice are confirmed and thus strengthened in there stance, and those who were unsure now feel compelled to fight this injustice.

Secretary Clinton masterfully uses rhetorical framing tactics to validate the concept of racial injustice. She comments on and makes many statements pertaining to a broken system that is unfair and unjust. She talks of creating a greater unity amongst the citizens of the United States and makes wavering voters feel wrong for not voting in support of her unifying policy points. In acknowledging the division of the people of the United States in regards to racial justice, she is coercing the conversation of creating equality throughout our society.
