Does the media exaggerate the polls?

Another week, and people continue to discuss Trump’s style of rhetoric. Fox News brings up an interesting point though, is the media rigging the election by continuing with a never ending discussion of Trump’s interesting rhetoric? The media changes the game of modern elections because of the coverage.

Now don’t get me wrong, this isn’t to say that Trump has never said anything out of line, but does the media press to hardly on him? The media is relentless in what they say about Trump and respond to how he speaks. So how much is the media effecting the polls? In this poll from MSNBC 60% of people say they are okay with Trump’s rhetoric. This poll is a simple poll online where anyone can cast a vote. But, interestingly enough this leads me to think that the media may exaggerate and discuss Trump’s rhetoric more than voters care or effected by.

In the past several weeks, the media and Trump’s rhetoric has certainly effected the visible polls. But Trump says that the media is not just against him, but everyone. Politico‘s article on the media and the polls Trump says “When the polls are even, when they leave them alone and do them properly, I’m leading,” Trump claimed. “But you see these polls, where they’re polling Democrats — ‘How’s Trump doing? Oh, he’s down’ — they’re polling Democrats.”

So the question is how reliable is the media? How reliable are the polls? Trump says they are unreliable and against him. Time will tell if this is true.



One thought on “Does the media exaggerate the polls?

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