Free Trade? You’re Kidding Hillary

Wednesday night’s debate didn’t give us anything new on trade like we hoped. This being the case it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t listen for their reiteration of plans on policy. Trump made sure to call Clinton out on a piece of information released by wikileaks. The wikileaks recovered a speech from Clinton to a private bank. The speech contained matter on the issue of open trade and open borders. Clinton was quoted as saying in the speech “ My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.”

What does this mean to the liberals? Ahh nothing major, she probably wouldn’t actually endorse absolute free trade. That is old news. The liberals have either made their decision on the email scandal; her supporters have pretty much muted the email accusations being whirled at her. So this issue on free trade and open borders has probably not been acknowledged by her supporters.


As for the right wing conservatives this has infuriated them. They are drawing conclusions like Clinton would drop any rules and regulations on trade. This is clearly not what we need. It is not going to put jobs in America or strengthen our economy. Clinton of course replied by saying she didn’t actually mean free trade instead about how we trade energy. Anyone believe that or was it a quick coverup? We do not know the exact context in which she meant it due to such a small portion of the speech being leaked but what if she is truly talking about trade? What else would this do to the United States to drop regulations, tariffs, and regulations? Free trade at its core is allowing trade to take its natural course. We cannot let trade do this.

2 thoughts on “Free Trade? You’re Kidding Hillary

  1. The fact of the matter is that the sea of red tape that would be involved with overriding existing trade regulations and tariffs is totally insurmountable. I’m not just siding with her because I’m in favor of her over Trump (I’m actually not voting for either), but I doubt she would do something as radical as completely open trade borders. It would decrease her already low approval rating and we all know how Clinton likes to pander to everyone as it is.

  2. I feel that by Clinton saying this at the final debate successfully created an even deeper divide between the two parties than there already was, frustrating independent / undecided voters even further (ie me)l. There is absolutely no possible way that ‘free trade’ would be something that could potentially be carried out. But then again, nothing with this presidential election could surprise me at this point.

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