Hillary Clinton uses Debate on Supreme Court to Further Alienate Trump from Women Voters



Issues of gender have seemed to creep into every aspect of this year’s election, and that certainly rang true in last night’s debate on the Supreme Court. The very first question of the night was about the future of the Court and Hillary Clinton’s gender-focused responses underscored her goal of painting a picture of Mr. Trump as anti-woman.

Hillary and “all” the Ladies 

Hillary’s vision of the Supreme Court is one that she claims will represent “all of us.” However, her use of “all” was loaded with rhetorical significance and was arguably more about women than about everyone. She mentioned the importance of not overturning Roe vs. Wade and of equality in the work place, both of which are focused on women’s rights. She continued, bluntly saying, “we need a Supreme Court that will stand up on behalf of of women’s rights…”  Although she did mention other minorities, Hillary’s use of all in this case painted a picture of herself as pro-woman, and ultimately further alienated her opponent from women.

It’s all about the Angle  

Hillary strategically angled her response about the Supreme Court to launch a loaded discussion about abortion and women’s rights. With a vacant seat and a state of deadlock in the Court, the election of a candidate will likely sway the court in the direction of that candidate’s political party. Hillary took full advantage of this, knowing that recent events have contributed to Trump’s anti-woman persona and that his stance on these issues would likely reinforce that persona. She pointed out that Trump’s stance on abortion and his plan to defund Planned Parenthood would deny women of benefits and of the right of choice. After reinforcing Trump’s lack of concern for women, Hillary swept in as the hero by claiming she would defend Planned Parenthood, Roe vs. Wade, and women’s right to choose.

The real kicker, however, was Hillary’s claim about Donald’s intention to punish women in regards to abortion. “We have come too far to have that turn back now,” she said,  “and indeed he said women should be punished; that there should be some form of punishment for women who obtain abortions. And I could just not be more opposed to that kind of thinking.” This statement designates her as an agent of protection for women against Trump.


Nobody likes the Bad Guy 

Hillary Clinton’s strategic responses in last night’s debate certainly reinforced her goal of alienating Trump from women voters. She framed her responses, even about seemingly gender neutral issues such as the Supreme Court, to further vilify Trump in the eyes of women- the demographic he desperately needs to stay afloat in the election.

One thought on “Hillary Clinton uses Debate on Supreme Court to Further Alienate Trump from Women Voters

  1. Great blog. I really like how you touch on Hillary’s use of loaded words when talking and identifying with women. Trump definitely has the disadvantage here because he can’t identify with women as easily as she can. Also, I like how you brought up the issue of row vs. wade and how Hillary promises to keep equal opppprtunities in the work place. I think this will be especially important for her to maintain her base of women voters and how she aims to keep women’s rights a top priority in her campaign. Overall good blog!

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