How far is too far for Trump?

Trump’s rhetorical devices and concepts have taken a turn that have confused many in the past week. Trump stunned many when he met publicly with several women who have accused Bill Clinton of sexual advances and in some cases rape. Bringing these ideas to the table had many people talking about Trump, as some of people’s biggest issues with Trump is the way he has spoken about women in the past. This was an obvious tactic used by Trump to attempt to divert people from thinking of his derogatory comments that he has spoken (Washington Post). Trump knows the pressure is on and feels that he must overcompensate for these past remarks along with the vulgar comments released in the past week from a 2005 video.

For most the topic of sexual assault is a serious topic not to prance around. And for these people, well they are hanging on to every word that leaves Trump’s mouth making sure he doesn’t take a step over the line – as if he hasn’t already..

The question is how have these remarks effected the polls?

Well following these discussions, the tactics did not seem to work in Trump’s odds because not only is he falling behind in polls but he is starting to fall behind in key battleground states, Florida and Pennsylvania.

How will Trump move forward in his rhetoric, and really how far is too far in these touchy subjects? Not only are we stepping on thin ice as these serious issues are discusses, but they take a way from key national topics that need to be addressed in these crucial times in the elections.

Above is a link displaying the no handshake beginning of Sunday’s debate.

One thought on “How far is too far for Trump?

  1. I really like this blog post because it looks deeper into his sexual assault allegations. I think him bringing Bill Clinton’s relationship with sexual assault in the past was a very smart thing for his campaign, and it was a smart tactic in his survival method as we’ve been talking about in class. Though sexual assault is very serious, bringing Bill Clinton into it could take the focus off of him tremendously and easily turn to Hillary. Lastly, it’s very interesting that there was no handshake at the debate. Do you think this is due to him wanting to stray clear of women in general as to lessen the thoughts the general public has about him? Overall, great job and this was a very interesting read!

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