Just Don’t Vote

In light of recent speeches made by Donald Trump, the overarching theme seems to be to discourage people from voting in general or to vote for him, which would be even better. The “people” he wishes to not come out to vote are more specifically African Americans and other minorities he has bad-talked in the past.

Unsurprisingly, Trump’s polling amongst the African American community has been on a constant decline. He has given many speeches where he degrades them and what they stand for. Things Trump has said about them such as, “You live in your poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed.”Though his numbers are still decreasing within this minority, he is trying to clean up his wrongdoings and actually “engage” more with them, or so it seems. In particular, Trump going to visit the predominantly African American church in Detroit shows that 1) he’s desperate for their vote, 2) he wants to right his wrongs, or 3) he just wants to get back in their good graces.  Despite him trying to sway the people, African Americans have already made up their minds about him, and he has gone to a place of no return.

Lewis also believes Saturday’s visit shows Trump’s desperation as election day draws closer and he needs the black vote.

“He left us out and he wants to make up for that,” she said. “But it’s a little too late.”

On another note, Trump seems to have “plans in store” for African American voters for Election Day. Allegedly there will be some type of violence on Election Day to deter African Americans from voting. Donald Trump specifically said, “Go and vote and then go check out areas because a lot of bad things happen,” he said in Pennsylvania, where lax state laws allow poll watchers to challenge voters as they arrive at precincts.” This instills fear in African American voters and will deter them from voting or even trying to attend the polls once word gets around that this is happening.

This tactic can be strategic, but counteractive to his efforts of trying to get African American people back on his campaign.

One thought on “Just Don’t Vote

  1. Hi there. I think I agree most with your first and third reasons for Trump wanting to secure the African American vote. He seems desperate to get back in the people’s good graces and gain as many votes as possible in light of the video footage that has come out. I think it is clear from his lack of apology for that footage that he doesn’t care much about righting his wrongs. I think it is really scary that he is threatening voters and encouraging them not to go to the polls. First, because violence and threats should not be welcome here in our country where we offer political freedom. Second, because by discouraging voters of a certain race I feel like he is discouraging voters in general. Great job covering these controversial things in your blog post!

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