Sexual Assualt or Locker Room Talk?

The debate of Sunday is a debate that will be in political history books forever. Before the debate on Sunday, an audio recording of Trump was leaked. This audio tape revealed that Trump hit on married women and even would go as far as assaulting them. He also mentioned his power over people, and how he could use this to his advantage. During the audio, Trump used very vulgar language when talking to a reporter from Access Hollywood .The middle age women group, are the main group that needs to be focused on. After the scandal that had occurred, many are very unhappy with Trump.

This was a major hit to the Republican, however do you think voters expected this? When he was asked in the debate about the tape, he said that this was just “locker room talk”. Every time Trump is accused of mistreating women he tends to just rub it off. Even Governor Chris Christie thinks that what he said was unacceptable. She also said that he was unable to apologize to the public affectively. However she does believe that he is embarrassed and would like to apologize for it.

Is Chris Christie correct? Are voters worried about the larger issues at hand or more focused on immature comments made. Many conservatives tend to ignore issues like this because of being loyal to their party. All of this is just junkyard journalism. Everything that we have seen in the news is trying to damage each candidates campaign. Voters are blinded by the media to recognize the candidates message, especially Trump. He had been unable to get a decent argument across because he always interrupts Clinton or makes immature jokes. These small things affect the voters.

Hilary Clinton addressed her opinion, by saying that Trump was not fit for president. Clinton is now using this topic to build her campaign around women. However, women are still saying they are going to vote for his despite the demeaning rhetoric used. Those women are focused more on the larger pictures. The part that stumps people when women say this, is that women have been fighting about equality for years.

As the election goes on voters will have to pick and choose what they want to hear from the candidates. They will have to choose a leader who they believe will fit the spot. The poor use of rhetoric of Trump and the over scripted Clinton had throw the people of the United States off. I believe that the undecided voters are still undecided and will be until voting day.

One thought on “Sexual Assualt or Locker Room Talk?

  1. This is a very well written summary about the different variables that went into the last Presidential debate. I agree that conservative women have dismissed the entire issue of the tapes and will choose to act like it never happened. However I find it interesting that Hilary Clinton will use this to try and her benefit her campaign instead of just focusing on her own policies considering her bumpy past with her husband, and the very famous and controversial affair he had. I think that the best way for her to try and compete for the conservative female vote is to remain moderate and continue to subtly push her policies that advance women further into society rather than bringing up new stories that will not give her any kind of benefit due to party loyalty.

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