Surrogates Swing Millennials for Clinton

President Obama has been to serving as surrogate and revive millennials to vote for Clinton. The NY Times reports that President Obama is visiting universities in two tightly contested states where blacks and millennials are “two constituencies that played an important role in propelling Mr. Obama’s victories in 2008 and 2012.” (NYTimes) He spoke at Chapel Hill, Miami, and Jacksonville to mobilize the bright new future of America, many who are voting for the first time.

Obama’s rhetoric at his Miami speech at Florida International University included reciprocating that he loves his audience, something Clinton and Trump do voice as well. It is apparent they are sad to see him go, but Obama wants his progress to continue.He also says, “we need to finish what we started 8 years ago,” understanding that some college students were only ten when he first entered office. In a Southern dialect, like Clinton and Bush before him, reaches out to a millennials on a key issue to them, gas prices. While the war is not as relevant to millennials, gas prices are, and Obama stresses his progress to not depend on foreign oil.

USA Today also stresses how important surrogates are for the millennial vote is in this election. They report that her endorsements from Obama, and Bernie Sanders have been the most influential on convincing millennials against going for Trump, he though the favor Obama and Sanders more.

Obama was featured in a recent National Geographic film , Before the Flood, where Leonardo DiCaprio spoke as the US Ambassador for the Environment to motivated those to vote Democratic in consideration of Environmental rights. They used images to verify flooded cities and “terrifying shame” that young generations face if we do not act on global warming. President Obama’s warning of the detriments of Trump’s ignorance to vital issues such as pipeline breaks and fracking are crucial, especially in Georgia. Millennials resonate with DiCaprio, a millennial himself, and unlike older, decided voters who watch cable, millennial voters are more open to watching Netflix and trusting DiCaprio, a millennial, and the younger impressionable Obama to persuade the voters Clinton needs to win the millennial vote and the presidency.