The “Dark Forces” Shadowing Down on DT’s Campaign

Recently, we have seen that Trump decided to soften his immigration reform stance in attempt to win a bigger portion of the minority votes. Even more recently, we have seen him make another move that may counteract his progress. Over the past few weeks, Trump has issued claims that the entire election process is not only “rigged” but also offered reason to his poll numbers being lower than HRC through using his favorite scapegoat: illegal immigrants. Trump is certainly not the first politician to claim that nefarious forces are working against him in favor of the opposing party. He IS, however, the first to accuse the government, the Obama Administration in particular, of purposely allowing illegal immigrants to flood across the borders to vote in the 2016 election with intentions of swaying the election polls in the Democratic party’s favor.


While many American citizens are aware that our current immigration policies restrict anyone who enters the country illegally from voting, statistics show that around 60 percent of Republicans believe that illegal immigrants do vote despite current policies. While Trump’s unsubstantiated claims may just seem like another instance of his cavalier rhetoric that has provided him with both good and bad attention, this claim could reap far greater damage in Trump’s polling than I believe he realizes.

While illegal immigrants and their already legal counterparts have developed a fearful mentality in result of the deportation and harsh immigration reform claims that Trump made earlier in his campaign, instead of cowering down and accepting their possible dark fate, we have seen a spark of inspiration and undoc motivation arise amongst the undocumented population throughout this campaign season. This historical movement entails immigrants, while not able to vote themselves due to their citizenship status, contributing to raising voting awareness in minority communities, assisting legal minorities in getting registered AND encouraging citizens to vote. In addition, illegal immigrants have participated in and formed groups such as The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) which aim to educate and help register high density immigrant neighborhoods that don’t typically vote in large numbers, in attempt to get more people engaged in their fight against Trump.

So while Trump goes back and forth, at one moment trying to attract immigrants and at another offending them again, I do believe that his fate amongst majority of the minority communities has already been decided. Coalitions have been formed to keep families of immigrants together and to ultimately keep Trump out of office. With preferences aside and despite Trump’s continued efforts, I don’t believe the efforts of minorities and immigrants will go unwarranted. I do believe that Trump’s chances of winning this election have gone down tremendously & will continue to decline.