The Taj Mah(Fall)

Donald Trump, republican nominee and business man, has gotten himself into more financial problems. On Monday, October 10th, 2016 the Taj Mahal Casino closed its’ door to the gambling hall for the last time. This property was built and ran by Donald Tatlantic-city-trump-taj-mahalrump; however, he was not quite successful in keeping this establishment in good financial standing. Donald Trump has brought this casino through four bankruptcies and still cannot manage to keep this casino up and running. On top of letting this casino go he has no explanation and just simply stated, “There is no reason for this.” If something were to go wrong while being in office (hypothetically speaking) there needs to be a reason and a plan.

This is just yet another example to show that Donald Trump is not as  fit to run for President of the United States because he cannot keep up with one establishment, how do we expect him to keep a whole nation trump-taj-mahal-bankrupted-meme-50651out of financial trouble? and considering that the Taj Mahal Casino and Hotel was dubbed the “Eighth Wonder of the World” Although there has been five other casino closed along the boardwalk in Atlantic City in the past couple of years, one of the wealthiest men should be able to capitalize on that and bring more jobs rather than take them away.


One of Donald Trump’s major points in this race to presidency is all the jobs he is going to create for America. Yet, the same person also put 11,000 people out of a job by closing the doors to this casino. A major point to question the truth in his word to the United States of America.