Who`s Who?

Who`s Who?

Part of recognizing and analyzing rhetoric is to understand and interpret the communication of those providing rhetorical messages to any audience. Without knowing certain things unique to each rhetor, understanding and interpreting the rhetoric may be more difficult than if you had that existing knowledge and background information on each. Without knowing background information about each vice presidential candidate, it may be hard to understand and comprehend their specific rhetoric, especially during the first vice presidential debate that will take place tonight.

Before watching the debate, it may be beneficial to learn a little more about each vice presidential candidate because according to The New York Times, “polls show that roughly a third of voters have no opinion or have never heard of each running mate.” Even our very own GradyNewsource at UGA asked students on campus if they knew who the vice presidential candidates were and found the same overall results. Check out this link to see the video of our own peers at UGA who did not know who is running alongside each presidential candidate.

After realizing we may need more information on each candidate, below is a small bullet list of important bits of information about each vice presidential candidate that may be helpful to know and may help better recognize rhetorical messages and strategies used by both candidates during the debate tonight.

Democratic Party Vice Presidential Nominee: Tim Kaine


  • US Senator, Virginia currently serving first term
  • Position of chairman of the Middle East subcommittee in Senate in July 2013
  • Served as governor of Virginia from 2006 to 2010
  • Bachelor`s degree from University of Missouri, law degree from Harvard Law School
  • See this link for more




Republican Party Vice Presidential Nominee: Mike Pence


  • Governor, Indiana elected in 2012
  • Previously served 12 years as a congressman from Indiana representing the Sixth Congressional District
  • During time in US HOR, he served as House Republican Conference chairman and chairman of the House Republican study committee.
  • Bachelor`s degree from Hanover College, law degree from Indiana University
  • See this link for more

Now that you know a little more information about each vice presidential candidate than you may have previously, take this quiz to see how well you know Tim Kaine and Mike Pence. Comment your scores below.



Sources: http://www.politifact.com/personalities/mike-pence/