Why Trump Should Walk the Walk With Law and Order

Throughout the entire political race, there has been quite a lot of media coverage of the violence that tends to surround Trump rallies. In fact, during the Iowa caucuses back in February, Donald Trump actually said that he’d pay for a lawyer for whoever “knocked the crap” out of the anti-Trump protesters that were present (See video below). So why is upholding “law and order” so important to him and his platform, yet when it comes to extreme Trump supporters engaging in physical altercations with other people, that value goes right out the window?


Regardless of whether Trump is right in defending his supporters, the “law and order” policies actually matter to a lot of people. If Trump wants the vote from people who have been affected by police violence, high crime rates, and other injustices in the United States, he needs to quit talking the talk and start walking the walk. If Trump wants to create a compelling narrative for himself as the “Law and Order Candidate”, he needs to adjust his rhetoric in a way that reflects that story. Rather than bragging about sexual assault or promoting violence at his own rallies, Trump needs to show his constituents that he values and upholds the law rather than hiring lawyers to find its loopholes.

One thought on “Why Trump Should Walk the Walk With Law and Order

  1. I agree with a lot of your points in this blog. Even for Trump, you can’t present your self as the Law and order candidate but provoke violence and say how he will pay for the legal fees later. I feel he should of been more consistent with the idea of law and order as well how he talked about minorities, law enforcement, sexual assault, and implementation of different policies. Also if Trump would either admit being wrong, or try to be humble about some of the things he’s said it may touch the undecided voters in time for the election this Tuesday.

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