Will Hillary get “Bern”ed by the Millennial Vote?



With the election for President a little over a month away, Secretary Clinton has got a lot to prove to court the millennial vote that came so easily to President Barack Obama and to her opposition in the primary, Bernie Sanders.  During the democratic primary contest, Sanders “captured over seven-in-10 Millennial voters against Clinton” says Ben Tulchin, a pollster for Bernie Sanders.

The real question for Secretary Clinton will not be whether or not she will be able to defeat Donald Trump’s appeal with millennials but whether or not she will be able to defeat Bernie Sanders?


Earlier this week, the Clinton leaks continue. The leak includes an audio clip of Secretary Clinton at a fundraising referring the supporters of Senator Sanders as “living in their parents’ basement” and being idealists who are “new to politics completely”.

It was not too much earlier this election cycle that Secretary Clinton nicknamed Trump supporters a “’basket of deplorables”.

Perhaps Secretary Clinton feels so secure for the November election that she is not concerned with the comments made about Trump supporters. But, the detachment from Bernie Sanders supporters could come back to bite her.

It seems that in recent weeks, Libertarian candidate, Governor Gary Johnson, has started sweeping Bernie Sanders’ millennial voters into his camp.  While Governor Johnson may not be a realistic adversary in the race to be President, he could steal enough of the millennials to take the victory away from Secretary Clinton and had the office to Trump.


A poll done in August shows Governor Johnson leading Trump and Secretary Clinton with registered voters under 25. The same poll shows that with voters 18-24, Governor Johnson polls at 12% unfavorably and Secretary Clinton polls at 65% unfavorably.

Secretary Clinton has less than 40 days to attract the millennial vote and convince Bernie supporters to come her way instead of to Governor Johnson.

One thought on “Will Hillary get “Bern”ed by the Millennial Vote?

  1. I also wrote my blog post about Clinton’s much needed support from the millennial voters. I discussed how many of the Bernie supporters need to vote for Hillary, but that those supporters do not feel that Hillary Clinton is the right candidate to vote for. Nor do millennial voters feel that Donald Trump is the choice. To say the least, millennial voters are at a loss of words when it comes to 2016 Election. Bernie had more millennial supporters than any other candidate running on both the Democratic and GOP sides. But now, without Bernie in the running, the millennial voters are at a loss of who to vote for during this election. Throughout my blog post I mentioned how Hillary Clinton needs to capture the attention of the millennial voters and how doing this has become her campaign’s newest focus.

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