Trump on the wrong side of “law and order”

Trump has characterized himself as the “law and order” candidate, which following Black Lives Matter protests and other civil rights movements, seems to not appeal to minority voters at all. These minority communities are taking a stand and making a statement, so the last thing they want to hear is “more police” or “more laws”, because that might mean “more discrimination”. We all know the black community does not want to revert back to an era in which discriminatory legislation overrides their success politically, economically, and socially.


So, I guess it would be safe to say that this argument for law and order is not an appeal to minority voters, but to white moderates who are still wondering if Trump is, in fact, the kind of person that will keep their families safe.


But moderates are also now seeing Trump’s legal issues piling up. If it’s not his taxes, it’s sexual harassment lawsuits, discrimination lawsuits with multiple businesses, fraud charges towards Trump University, or the fact that he solicited thousands of dollars in donations from charities New York without proper certification and is soon to be investigated by the Attorney General. (see end of this article).


From a communicative standpoint, Trump does not exhibit any apologia. He wants to be seen as a strong and powerful leader, so expressing any sympathy or regret for his actions would be the wrong for him. Instead, Trump likes to capitalize on the mistakes his opponent has made in the past. If he is able to paint her as the worser side of evil, he may actually have a shot at the presidency.


For someone who regularly pushes the argument of “law and order”, Trump sure is involved in a myriad of litigation that he seems to be at the wrong end of!  Maybe, before he considered taking the “law and order” stance, he should have gotten himself out of all the legal trouble and been able to practice what he preaches.

Image result for trump law and order

One thought on “Trump on the wrong side of “law and order”

  1. You make some very interesting arguments. I will admit as a minority Trump does make a lot of generalizations ” the blacks” , “the African Americans” ,the Hispanics and etc. He clumps together people of color and is hammering down hard with stop and frisk, calls for more police, calling for attention to be on the black on black crime instead of the issues with police brutality, and is redirecting the issues with race in America. Along with that he is either in or about to be in a new controversy over something he did or something he said, and this is attacking his personal character and makes people question whether or no he can be president. I like how you bring up some of the different things that are going on with him and how those take away from the focus on policies.

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