Most people of legal drinking age (and even those who are not) are familiar with the distilled Mexican beverage that tends to be a central theme of many college students’ weekends. That being said, many may not consider tequila as their drink of choice after about age 23. But, that may soon change!

According to an article1, from the Internet source, Nature Health and Beauty, a shot of tequila a day can actually be good for you. Let’s take a step back here, what did I just say? …. Yes you read correctly, many college students’ dreams just came true! Tequila is made from the blue agave plant and therefore contains multiple nutritional benefits. (that is, if served without the sugary substances/juices it is commonly served with.) The article boasts four main health benefits, including tequila being a pro-biotic, stimulating insulin production, aiding in  protecting necessary drugs to the colon, and helping to cure your stress induced insomnia.

The research2 on this topic was reported at the 247th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS). Lopez mentions that they have found that “agavins reduce glucose levels and increase Glucagon-like peptide-1. (GLP-1).” She goes on to explain that the GLP-1 hormone slows the stomach from emptying thereby stimulating production of insulin.” She also mentioned, “agavins also support growth of healthful microbes in the mouth and intestines.” So, have we found a possible answer for diabetics and for those who do not consider yogurt their #1 probiotic of choice?! Lopez clearly explains that her study is the first of its kind to begin to look at agavins in a whole new light.

Although the article provides an interesting new way of looking at tequila, more research is definitely needed on this topic as well as a large amount of education before physicians start prescribing tequila shots! The research (although completed on mice) in its early stages holds promising results for the future! We need to remind the public that when you reach for your next healthy pure 100% agave “possible” super food, we are not looking to follow the saying “1 tequila, 2 tequila, 3 tequila, floor.”

