It’s Heart Health Month!

Map of Georgia showing county rates of hypertension.

February is Heart Health Month, a time when we take stock of our cardiovascular health and risk factors for heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the state of Georgia, and ranks 14th in heart disease mortality (yikes!). Within Georgia, rates of high blood pressure are higher in our rural areas, highlighting the need for greater prevention efforts and access to care.

Members of the PACE Lab work toward more people living physically active lifestyles. Engaging in regular physical activity can reduce your risk of heart disease. One of our current projects, the Blue Gym of Georgia, is investigating ways to encourage people to be active outdoors and to improve the environment’s health at the same time.

For more information on American Heart Month, check out the CDC and American Heart Association for great resources on preventing heart disease, including the new American Heart Association campaign, Reclaim Your Rhythm.