Korea, Vietnam, and the Memorial Garden

Whitney, Jin, Peyton, and I will be focusing on student involvement during the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and we intend to weave the Memorial Garden in by discussing the lack of direct representation for these wars on UGA’s campus.  To begin our research, we decided to break the time periods of 1950-1954 and 1960-1975 into 4 chunks, and each look at a 5 year period in the Red & Black and Pandora yearbooks to see if we can find evidence of protests or student support, and find any information about specific students who participated in the war efforts.  We intend to interpret these wars with specific attention to race and perhaps gender.  We are thinking about Horace Ward’s well-timed (for UGA) draft notice and deployment to Korea, and we intend to investigate this and other possible instances like this, to tell a story that incorporates Civil Rights Movement events.