The course I took to satisfy the ecological sphere for the certificate was Conservation Biology. I took this class very early on in my sustainability journey when I was just beginning to explore my interests in ecology. I learned extensively about the importance of biodiversity and why we should conserve it, as well as the various ways humans and other factors are affecting species loss. Presenting many facts about both the current state of affairs and future projections of species extinctions, the overall tone of the material was rather gloomy, not providing much hope or solutions. I think for some, the way the material was presented may have led to feelings of helplessness, but for me, I believe the information instead struck me in a way that I better understood the seriousness of the situation and instilled a desire to take action. Conservation biology shaped the way I thought about sustainability, as I saw the connection between the two: just as conservation has the goal of preventing irreversible decline of species, sustainability has the goal of ensuring a quality future for said species. Taking this class not only provided me the essential roots– the base knowledge of important ecological concepts, but also, ultimately, led me to solidify my choice to pursue a minor in ecology. It planted a seed of passion in me that would eventually be nourished through further experiences in the certificate as well as in my minor classes and lead me to grow into the very sustainability-minded person I am today.