Blog Post Photo Reflection

  1. Start basic: In this picture, I see a metal sculpture along the river bank.
  2. What I notice in this picture: The sharp juxtaposition between the sculpture and its surroundings.
  3. What this picture makes me think about: While the artwork itself is clearly well made it does not seem to fit into its environment and its sharp lines seem almost ugly next to the more organic and gentle ones of nature that surround it. In contrast, the stone walls don’t seem quite so intrusive. The picture makes me think about how we interact with our environment. There are two approaches in the photo: one is that of the metal which stakes a place for itself regardless of whether it belongs (which is even shown in the rusty look of the sculpture) and the other is the stonework which uses materials that feel more natural in the environment.
  4. When I look at this picture, I feel: This picture makes me feel uncomfortable. The metal sculpture seems to be intruding on the serenity that surrounds it as well as seeming to deteriorate so much faster than its current habitat.
  5. I think this picture is about: To me, this picture addresses a few issues. One it draws attention to the effect of industrialization on the environment: if this metal structure seems so wrong where it is shown, how well do our other metal contraptions belong? Are we just disturbing the natural beauty and serenity of the world? It also presents a commentary on the passage of time. The unnatural sculpture rusts and deteriorates while its surroundings flourish in comparison. There seems to be a metaphor about the importance of humanity in the life of the world in that. The third and perhaps most topical message seems not to discourage human interaction but rather to encourage careful thought before taking said action. There are two human structures shown and one clearly seems to be more natural in the environment as well as in better condition. This could be a message about how working with our environment can lead to more successful and enduring endeavors than stubbornly staking our place with no regard for the world around us will ever produce.