Nico Fontova

-I took AP Chemistry and AP Physics C (Mechanics) in high school, and Honors Bio and Chem my freshman and sophomore year. I liked chemistry the most because it felt very quantitative and it was interesting.

-I’d like have a better understanding of biology and more of an enjoyment of it by then end of this course.

-Probably the tailgating/watershed clean up because I’ve done trash cleanups before and I feel that it’s a straightforward and effective way to clean up the environment. I don’t know my classmates well, but I feel that they would also like an environmental clean up-type project because most people feel like everyone should do their part in cleaning nature.

-I think I can learn how to effectively clean the environment and learn about ways to get easily involved in community.

-I would enjoy learning about ecosystems and how pollutions or other factors affect them, and about genetics and evolution.

Laura Lawson Duncan

Image result for laura lawson duncan
I am the girl on the right 🙂

In High School, I took AP physics and AP Biology. I also took honors biology and chemistry as an underclassman. I really loved AP Biology because my teacher was very engaging and interesting. He was so captivating and really made the class enjoyable.

I would love to learn more about the environmental systems of the world through this class. I am so excited to see the biology concepts throughout the UGA campus and the Athens community.

I am very interested in learning about the tailgating project. I am a huge football fan and will be participating in tailgating this fall. Because of this, I think it will be a unique experience to explore how to control litter during Game days and protect the environment. I think this project is really important for all UGA students to be aware of.

I will learn how to better protect my environment and make sure that the UGA campus remains beautiful and healthy.

I want to learn a lot about genetic engineering. I think it is very interesting to learn about as it is becoming more prevalent in society today. I also think that talking about it is important because people have diverse opinions about it, and great discussions come out of this topic.

Emily Larking

2. I’ve taken biology, chemistry, marine biology and environmental science in high school. I liked environmental science because the class had a lot of applications into everyday life.

3. I would like to learn a little bit more in depth information about biology and how we can look at the environment through that lens.

4. The outreach with local high school students interests me the most. tutored other students throughout last year and I like teaching other people topics that I know a lot about. Resistance to antibiotics is a very real and relevant issue that isn’t as common knowledge as it maybe should be.

5. I think I could learn a lot about how other people process information and they incorporate that into their lives. For example, showing the aftermath of tailgating and how much trash is left behind could really change how someone approaches their next tailgate.

6. I’d like to learn more about how organisms adapt to climate change.

Zach O’Connor

  • In high school, I took biology, chemistry, physics, and forensics. I enjoyed forensics the most because of the application with the material.
  • I would like to learn about the real world applications for the material in class. I hope to utilize the material outside of the class.
  • The tailgating project interests me the most. I’ve been on a couple of outings where we went through retention bases collecting trash. I think these issues with trash after tailgating would appeal to people. It’s something not many people consider while tailgating.
  • Through service learning, it may help me gain initiative by advocating for clean-up after events.
  • Genetics and diseases would be some things I would like to learn about.

Intro: Eryn Hasty

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Hey y’all! My name is Eryn Hasty and I am a sophomore. I have had a good bit of exposure to science, as I am a pre-nursing major. My freshman year I took Honors Chemistry 1. This semester I am taking this biology class along with Anatomy & Physiology 1. In high school I took Biology, Chemistry, Physical Science, and Anatomy & Physiology. A & P is definitely my favorite science course as I am super interested in the human body (hence why I am pursuing a nursing career!) I also enjoyed chemistry last year because I have always been a “math” person, and chem had a lot of math aspects to it.

I am most looking to get out of this course a strong foundation for biology and life sciences so that I will be more than prepared as I enter higher level courses once starting nursing school.

I am most interested in the Rivers Alive Watershed Clean up Project. I love rivers and lakes, and have noticed before how litter not only affects the beauty of the nature for our enjoyment, but also the ecosystems living in these streams, rivers, lakes, etc. In all honesty, I have not been exposed to a lot of awareness about these issues, so I am sure my fellow students have not either. This project will give the opportunity to spread awareness about the issue and hopefully others can find a passion to help make Athens and surrounding areas cleaner.

By exposing more students to the problems we face in our own community through this project, I think we will be able to create a chain effect. Hopefully students can continue to make a change and engage in other communities such as their hometown or future places of residency to help with stream, river, and lake cleanups.

I would love to dive into genetics and diseases in this class, as it is relevant to the healthcare field. These topics are also applicable to all in our everyday life, no matter what major one may be pursuing!

Mary Catherine Meno

  • I took biology freshman year of high school, chemistry my sophomore year, and physics my junior year but I haven’t taken any science since then. I liked physics the most because, with the help of math and calculations, it can be very predictable.
  • From this class I hope to understand the way biology interacts with our everyday lives, learning a lot specifically from our outreach and service learning projects.
  • I am most interested in the Rivers Alive Watershed Clean Up. In other organizations that I have been/am involved with, I have participated in park and river clean ups, and also am Microsoft certified, which would allow me to help create a form to track clean-up information. I think that creating tangible changes and being able to see instantaneous results from our work would appeal to students. Seeing those results would drive the group to do the evaluations of the various litter found.
  • Helping with service learning would allow me to learn how my own daily civic engagement can help produce change in my community. It will also help me witness first hand the effect of waste and chemicals in our environment, giving me a better understanding of why we should be engaging in environmentally friendly practices.
  • In this course, I’m interested in learning about genetics and how what is inside of us helps make up who we are on the outside.

Will O’Neil

2. In high school, I was more of a physics person, but I took both Honors Biology and Honors Chemistry. I liked the classes, but I always thought that physics was more interesting. I took both AP Physics 1 and C: Mechanics. Even though I struggled a bit in these courses, I still found the subject matter interesting. However in college, I took Physics 1212, which focuses mainly electricity and magnetism. I thought that I would love this subject matter, but I hated it, so I have decided to go back and try the life science classes again. In college, I also took Introduction to Weather and Climate because my ultimate goal is to become a meteorologist. I loved that class because it focused on ideas that interested me a lot as well as allowing me to continue on the path to get a degree in Atmospheric Sciences.
3. In this course, I would like to learn more on how daily human activities affect the world around us. Since I am majoring in Atmospheric Sciences, I need to learn more about climate change, and I think that learning about how human activities affect our environments would be very interesting.
4. I think making a video the day after a game day and showing it off would be a great idea for a project. When I lived near Myers Quad last year, I experienced first hand how much trash is left around following the game. I think since all of the students live on or around the campus, we all would like to keep it clean. The only problem with this idea would be finding a good way to reach the maximum audience to show off a video.
5. With the service learning project, I might learn more about working with a team to make a large change in the community around us.
6. I would like to learn more about how the environment is affected by human activities every day. I think the recent climate change problem is interesting and would like to learn more about it from a biological perspective.

Nate Ware

2. In high school I took biology freshman year and then AP Chemistry classes and AP physics. I preferred Chemistry courses because I liked working with chemical equations and understanding how and why things reacted the way the did with each other.

3. I would like to have a different understanding of biology than just memorization like I did in high school.

4. The river cleanup project interests me the most because I enjoy working outside and I like to do activities in the outdoors. I do not mind getting dirty which would be a useful skill during a river cleanup. I think that my fellow students would want to know just how much trash is being left in and around the rivers and I think it would appeal to them because most people do not want to see trash heaps around rivers as then they would be unusable.

5. Relative to civic engagement, I would learn how to raise awareness about littering around rivers and the damage it can cause to the ecosystem by helping with this service learning.

6. I would like to learn plants and soil conservation.

Chad Hudak – Introduction

2. I took basic science classes in high school. I really enjoyed my biology and anatomy classes.

3. I would like to have a better understanding of the human body.

4. The project about cleaning the watershed interests me the most because I used to do creek cleanups in high school.

5. Through service learning, I hope to learn how my actions can affect the world around me.

6. In this course I would like to learn a lot more about how the human body works, genetics, and how the human body defends against illnesses.

Liv Francis Introduction Post

My name is Liv Francis. I took 2 semesters of Astronomy in college and physics, biology, and chemistry in high school. I loved the Astronomy classes because it was not something I had the opportunity to learn about prior to college. In this class, I’d like to learn more about sustainability and the effects of what happens when people don’t practice sustainability. I like the idea of doing the tailgating project. I like hands-on projects where you can see a change and I feel like bringing attention to the trash left by tailgates would cause people to change their behavior and hopefully pick up their trash. I think this would interest other students as well because a ton of students at UGA participate in tailgating s it directly affects them. I think this project would show how easy it can be to help out and also how many opportunities there are to do so even within Athens. I would like to learn about sustainability and also I think it would be interesting to learn about diseases and how they can affect different parts of the population.