Stephen Foernsler

2. I took biology freshman year of high school, chemistry classes sophomore and junior years, and then physics my senior year. I also did the biotechnology pathway at my school over three years which was probably my favorite. I enjoyed the hands on aspect of where I could actually manipulate the DNA of a bacteria or test genes and see the results in front of me.

3. I would like to get a good foundation of biology that I can bring into my life and the real world. It is interesting to see what I learn in the classroom occur in real life. I also want to be able to help others out to better their understanding of biology.

4. The river clean up seems cool to me to always make where you live the best it can be in terms of health and just how it looks and feels. This also goes with the tailgating to see the impacts of a massive pastime at UGA on the campus environment. I think everyone wants to make sure that Athens can be a great, clean place to live and enjoy.

5. I think I will learn about how the little impacts from each thing a person does adds up to a big change. This could be negative if all you do is make things worse for the community, but it can also be very positive. If everyone just got involved to make things better rather than worse giant strides could be made very easily to make the entire community better.

6. I always enjoy learning about the aspects of biology that deal with genetics and DNA because it is really interesting to see how things that you can have no control over affect you every day. I also like seeing how connected everything really is and how it is impossible for any living thing to have no impact on the whole circle of life.

Richard Yones!

  1. Look! A picture of me hanging off the edge of a 4-story parking deck (sorry mom)

2. In high school, I took the basic science courses needed to graduate, (chemistry, biology, etc.) and also took AP Physics which was a BIG mistake. After that dismal experience, I never took another AP science course. I enjoyed chemistry class the most probably because my teacher let me eat my pizza rolls in class

3. Quite honestly, I signed up for this course to get the credit and my honors requirement fulfilled. Upon looking at the syllabus and seeing service outreach opportunities as a proponent of the course, I’m really excited to go serve and learn.

4. The Outreach with Clarke Central High School Student seems very interesting to me. Seeing the way organisms become more and more resistant to their environment (in this case anti-biotic resistant bacteria) has always been of interest to me. Being able to study that alongside other high school students could be very rewarding.

5. The whole idea behind these biological service opportunities is the fact that there is some environmental need that has been unmet, and that we can have an impact to change that. As it is related to civic engagement, these opportunities could help change the culture of the community as it pertains to trash build-up or human interruption of biological processes.

6. GENETICS. Unit 3 is all about genetics, and I am HERE for it. Seeing the way that our DNA programs us to grow in a certain way and commands our body to perform functions necessary to life is very interesting to me. Furthermore, seeing how traits are passed down to make certain organisms better (or worse!) is a fun process to track.

Linda Cullen

I took biology, chemistry, physics, and anatomy & physiology in high school. I liked anatomy the best, because it’s super interesting and easy to apply to daily life. Physics was my least favorite, because my brain just didn’t work that way.

I want to go more in depth into a new area of biology that I haven’t really learned much about.

I think the tailgating project looks the most interesting to me, because my high school was really focused on environmental sustainability on campus. I worked a lot with the Go Green committee at my school to keep our campus as trash-free as possible. I think my fellow students will definitely gravitate toward trash clean up and littering prevention because of how much it affects the students on campus.

I might learn about the similarities and differences between the environment here in Athens and at home in California. I also want to learn about biological similarities and differences in each environment.

I want to learn about genetics the most, because I have always found that field very interesting. Learning about antibiotics sounds very interesting as well. It would be a good way to learn a bit about the medical and pharmaceutical fields, even though I won’t be pursuing a career in those fields.

Trudi Sundberg’s Blog Post !!

I’m a freshman, so this is my first college science class! When I was in high school, I took Human Anatomy, Honors Biology, and AP Chemistry. I liked Chemistry because the math that it involved was formulaic, and because I thought that working with chemicals was cool.

I’m the one in the UGA shirt 🙂

In this class, I would really love to have a better grasp on how biology works in the human body and in connection to chemistry. I’m also interested in the environmental component of biology, because it’s important to understand how the world around us works. I want to understand how our society can become more mindful of the environment through understanding the biology behind it.

The projects that interest me are projects that relate to the human body and genetics, because I like learning about why and how biology relates to psychology. I also want to explore more of biology in the environment in Athens, so I think I would be interested in testing the water and cleaning it up, because I can see that my efforts are important to the place where I live. Also, because the health of the environment is talked about so much in politics and the news, I think that projects like that would appeal to my fellow students.

Interacting with our community is the only way that we can understand why the topics that we talk about in the classroom are relative in the real world. I think that through civic engagement, we’ll learn how to be more conscious of how our actions impact the people and environment around us, and how to have a positive impact on them.

I want to learn about bacteria in the water in our community, about genetics and how testing impacts the way that diseases are treated, and about microbiomes in our bodies.

Maddie Hamas Blog Post :)

In high school, I took Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry, AP Physics I, and AP Physics II. I liked Physics the best because we did a lot of labs and group work, even though the course and material were difficult. From this course, I want to participate in an outreach that uses the material we learn in class and apply it in the real world. The project that interests me the most is the outreach with Clarke Central HS students. I’ve visited elementary schools and middle schools in the past when I was in high school, so this seems very similar. I do think the Tailgating project sounds interesting and that if students at UGA saw the picture of campus after a big game, they would not want to go to a campus that looks like it is a dumpster. Through these projects, it will help me with civic engagement by interacting with younger students in the community and also making the community a better place to live. In this course, I really am excited for the genetics because this topic has always been interesting to me. In my HS bio class we did not do much with watersheds and water quality, so I think this will be something new and exciting to learn as well.

Patrick Leonard

In high school I took biology and physics for one year and chemistry for two years. I enjoyed chemistry the most because I like the way math connects to things in the physical world. I hope I can learn useful and interesting information in this course that may be helpful later in life. I think I would like to be involved with either the outfall inspections or the watershed clean up. I enjoy spending time outdoors, and I feel that these projects could end up making a noticeable difference around the campus. These projects also seem team oriented, so it will probably be fun to do the projects with my classmates. I think I may learn more about the organizations that work in these fields to make a difference in the environment around UGA. I think I would like to learn about how bacteria behaves in relation to humans and other large organisms.

Edwin Shepherd

I took AP Physics, AP Chemistry, and Pre-AP Biology in high school and I enjoyed Physics the most because the teacher made learning fun. I would most like to get an A and 3 credit hours out of this course. I have gone to UGA football games my entire life and I always cringe when I see the trash on this beautiful campus so the tailgating project appeals most to me. I would like to learn more about the impact of eating habits on humans.

Joe Berman

I’ve taken Honors Bio, Honors Chem, AP Psychology, and Honors and AP Physics. I preferred Psychology, as the nature of the material was most interesting to me in that I learned many things about the world around us that are actually applicable to daily life.

From this course, I would like to gain a better understanding of biology and of the environment around me. The world is fascinating and I would love to have an informed perspective.

The outreach at Clarke Central appeals to me most as it entails working with the local community. I have done several environmental projects back in Augusta and put my knowledge to good use. I think that students on campus would definitely become more interested in these issues if they were aware of topics such as the clean water they drink or well preserved nature areas they walk through.

I believe I will gain a better grasp at working with the public sector through the organization of the projects we complete in this class. Also, I look forward to learning about the specific environmental needs of the Athens area.

Of interest for me is learning about waterways and the water system and what I can do to maintain a healthy ecosystem. I am also interested in learning about microbiology, and the real world applications of it.

Rowan Wiley

I took biology my freshman year of high school, chemistry my sophomore and junior year, and physics my senior year. I enjoyed biology and chemistry and hated physics.

I want to learn more about biology because I enjoyed it freshman year but haven’t tried to pursue it at all since. I hope to get a greater understanding and appreciation of biology.

I am interested in learning how to help keep trash and other debris out of waterways so as to preserve the natural beauty. I have participated in a number of trash pick-ups at various creeks. I think my fellow students also want to prevent littering and enjoy trash-free water.

I hope I can learn how to help make the environment around me a better, cleaner, and safer place. I also look forward to learning how to reduce the negative impact I have on the environment.

I am interested in exploring biology in more depth than I have in the past. I want to learn more about the natural world around me.

Rory Bowles

I took Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry, and Physics in high school. My favorite was physics because i was the best at it and I understood the concepts most fully.

I would like to appreciate biology more and better understand what I read in the news about recent biology discoveries and inventions.

The watershed clean up project interests me most. I have previously volunteered in my community and I always find volunteering fulfilling. Other students would appreciate the cleaner watersheds.

Helping with this service project would help me appreciate clean areas more and inspire me to continue to volunteer.

I would like to have a better understanding of things that make up everyday life which we take for granted.