Scavenger Hunt Reflection- Nina Boone

  1. In this picture you can see one of the many culverts we have here on campus.
  2. One thing that struck me in this picture is how small the area that is exposed to light is meaning that the water is mostly underground.
  3. This picture makes me think about how much of the water system here at UGA is underground. I wonder how different our campus would look if all the streams were completely above ground. There are so many of these culverts across campus that students don’t think twice about them when they pass but they are really part of a complex water system.
  4. When I look at this picture, I fell curious about the network of waterways that can’t be seen from above ground.
  5. I think this picture is about how big and important the watershed here at UGA is however we can only see parts of it and therefore students aren’t very conscious about how they treat it.